Saturday, March 31, 2018

As you guys may or may not know, Sanrio has quite a large line of cute and cool characters that can be found on their official website. Because of this, I have decided to choose one of them to do a blog post about today. I'll probably do more blog posts about some of the other Sanrio characters in the future as well. But for this specific post, Aggretsuko is going to be under the spotlight. Now then, on with the post! First of all, Aggretsuko is a red panda. She also works as an office associate, and she works in the accounting department for her job. The company she works for is a highly respected trading company as well. Along with this, the company she works for is in one of the biggest metropolitan areas of Tokyo. Aggretsuko had always dreamed of working in this field, and she had especially wanted to work in that part of the city. But, her dream job is less than perfect in reality. Her bosses are unsympathetic towards her, and they give her harsh deadlines. Although she has become a pushover within the company, there is another side to her. When she gets pushed to her limits, she gets rid of her stress and frustration after work with heavy metal karaoke sessions. Aggretsuko is one of Sanrio's more well-known characters, and she is actually quite popular. I myself just recently learned that there's going to be a Netflix series coming out for her this April as well. If any of you guys would also like to check out her page on the official Sanrio website, I will include a link for that too. Enjoy!

The link to her Sanrio page:

Friday, March 30, 2018

I'm back with more animation memes! I will obviously be including the links to them as well. I figured since I have only mentioned them twice on here before, it would be okay if I made another list of them. Of course they will be more Mystic Messenger animation memes too. Since these animation memes are short, I will make a list of ten of them again like I did the last time. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Cut My Hair

2.) She Broke My Heart

3.) Two Faces

4.) Smile

5.) Control

6.) Bye Bye

7.) Cola Song

8.) Can't Sleep Love

9.) Special Friends

10.) I Do Love You

Thursday, March 29, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be showing you three Anime references in Undertale. More specifically, I will be showing you three references to tsunderes in Undertale. I will also include a small note with each one as well. Now then, on with the post!

This first reference is pretty obvious, since the cactus is being called the most tsundere of plants.
In this next one we're back with the cactus. This time it's displaying its tsundere characteristics.
In this next one we have Tsunderplane. I know I mentioned Tsunderplane in my first blog post about Anime references in Undertale, but it's just such a classic example of a tsundere. How could I not include it in this post too?
Well, that's all I have for now! I might make another list of Anime references in Undertale if I can find some more. But, I hope you guys still enjoy this little list I put together!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Unknown from Mystic Messenger. Even though I know I've already done a blog post about him, today I will be talking about why I think he's such a popular character. I'll try not to give away any spoilers in this post either. Now then, on with the post! So, why is Unknown such a popular character? Aside from the prologue chat, the player barely ever talks to him in the Casual Story and Deep Story routes of the game. Even though the player gets to talk to him more with the addition of the Another Story section, it takes quite a bit of hourglasses to unlock this section of the game. However, he was still popular before the addition of Another Story as well. But why is this? Even though he's initially presented as a villain, he's still loved by fans. I personally think this is partially because he has a cool-looking design. Along with this, he also has a cool but sometimes menacing personality. For some reason, fans usually like the bad-boy type of characters too. I think his backstory has a big part in it as well, since he's easy to sympathize with after you find out about his past. But, these are just some of the reasons I personally think have attributed to his popularity. If any of you guys have your own different reasons for liking Unknown, that's obviously completely fine. After all, this is just my opinion! But, I hope you guys like this post anyways!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about three types of Anime fans that I have seen while watching Anime-related videos and reading Anime-related content on the internet. Now these aren't necessarily bad people, just a common trend I've noticed in the Anime community. I may also be continuing this list in the future, so keep an eye out for that too. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Meme bois - Yes, I do realize that I spelled boys with an I. I promise it was intentional. Anyways, this type of Anime fan often comments on YouTube videos and stuff with memes or references from the fandom of that particular Anime. However, they will also occasionally stray away and post their Anime memes on random videos and such as well. This particular type of fan can be found in almost any fandom too.

2.) Weebs - This type of fan isn't necessarily a weeaboo themself, but they go around calling other people and themself weebs or weeaboos. Although some only do this when they are provoked, a lot of them just do it for fun. I personally think this can be a bit annoying.

3.) Fangirls - Last but not least we have fangirls. Even though this type of fan isn't unique to Anime fans, their very presence is hard to ignore. This type of fan will usually randomly claim a character as their own and complain if someone else says they also like the character. Although some of them can be civil about it, quite a few of them will claim that the character they chose is theirs and theirs alone. I personally think these types of fans can get to be a bit annoying as well.

But, that's the only types of fans I'll talk about for today. I hope you guys enjoy this little list I did! I would also like to mention that this is just my opinion on them as well. It's also just for fun too, so take this list with a grain of salt!

Monday, March 26, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Magical Girl transformation sequences. Now there are many different Magical Girl Anime series available, but each one usually has at least one thing in common; the transformation sequences. These long elaborate transformations are so well-known that it has actually become a cliché in the Anime and manga community. This particular concept is also often either mocked or copied in other shows as well, even in western cartoons. I've actually seen a Magical Girl Anime or two that have commented on the lengthy transformations of the heroines as well. But why is this? I myself have often wondered why the antagonists don't just try to stop or defeat a magical girl before she transforms. However, I'm sure the Anime wouldn't be as interesting to watch if the magical girls were so easily defeated. Or maybe the antagonists just like the transformation sequences. Whatever the case may be, this well-known cliché is actually quite popular. Along with this, I think a magical girl Anime just wouldn't be the same without these flashy, sparkly, over-the-top transformation sequences!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

As you guys may know, Seven is my favorite character in Mystic Messenger. So for today's post, I will be listing his different nicknames and aliases. Because of this, I won't be listing his real name. This is mostly to avoid spoilers. I will also include a couple of notes with the nicknames and aliases as well. There may be some minor spoilers too, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post!

* 707 - This is Seven's main nickname. I'm not sure why he decided to go with this specific number, but the fan base does have a few ideas.

* Seven - This is just a variation of 707.

* God Seven - I'm not sure why he calls himself this, but he does refer to himself as God Seven quite a bit throughout the game. The player will also occasionally have the option to call him this.

* Defender Of Justice - This is another one I'm not sure of. But, I'm pretty sure he calls himself this because he helps people through his work at the agency. I may be wrong though.

* Hacker God - This is his username for LOLOL.

* Lucky Seven - I'm not sure exactly where this nickname came from, but I do know he doesn't like being called this.

* Luciel - This is Seven's baptismal name.

* 707 EXTREME - This is the alias he uses for the agency he works for.

So there you have it, a list of Seven's many different names! I didn't include a couple of them because I just wanted to list some of the main names he's used. But, I hope you guys enjoy the list anyways!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

In today's blog post, I will be talking about the MC from Mystic Messenger. Although the MC is supposed to represent the player character, there is still quite a bit to talk about. First of all, MC actually stands for Main Character. Because she doesn't have a canon name so the player can choose it, she is commonly just referred to as MC. The MC can also differ in appearance, with multiple different avatars available in the beginning of the game. The player can even choose a photo from their phone to use as well. However, the MC that appears in the pictures and the visual novels throughout the game simply looks like the first default avatar. While playing through the different routes, MC's personality can also change a bit. But, she is usually always kind, caring, and a bit too trusting, seeing as how she always follows Unknown's instructions in the first prologue chat. However, she can also be a bit mean or selfish, but this usually leads to bad endings. Along with this, the MC doesn't have very much of a background either. This is most likely because this allows the player character to choose what her backstory may be for themselves. Despite this, the options usually suggest that the MC is either a student, an office worker, or she just stays at home. There are occasionally options that pop up that question the other available options though. But, this is all I'll say about the MC for now, since there's not very much more to say about her. But I will include a picture of the MC below for reference. Enjoy!

Friday, March 23, 2018

The blog post for today will be about White Day. Although White Day was on March 14th, I actually didn't find out about it until a day or two ago. So, I'll be talking about it now instead. First of all, White Day is a holiday that is commonly celebrated in Japan. However, it's also celebrated in other places like South Korea and China. But, Japan's White Day is the one I heard about, so that's the one I'll be focusing on. That's mainly because I'm not sure if any of the traditions are different in the other cultures. Now then, onto the main part of this post! So what is White Day? Well, Valentine's Day is generally thought of as a holiday for girls and women. Because of this, girls and women are usually the ones who give chocolate and other gifts on Valentine's Day. On the other hand, White Day is more or less the opposite of this. Instead of the girls and women giving gifts on White Day, the boys and men give gifts back to the girls and women that gave them gifts on Valentine's Day. However, there is also a term that is often used on White Day. This term is "sanbai gaeshi", which more or less means "triple the return". This means that guys are expected to give girls three times as much as they received themselves. I personally think this rule is unnecessary. First of all, I'm sure almost any girl would be happy to even get a gift back on White Day. Secondly, if a guy got giri-choco (which is pretty much just obligatory chocolate) from someone he doesn't even know very well, I don't think he should have to give her something that's three times as much as what he received. But, that's just my opinion on that rule. Anyways, this is just the basics of what White Day is. But, I would recommend reading about this holiday some more, since I think it's actually quite interesting. As a little bonus, I will include a small explanation below about what the three main Valentine's Day chocolates are for Japan. Enjoy!

Valentine's Day Chocolate Types:

Honmei-Choco - A chocolate that girls give to guys that they have romantic feelings for.

Giri-Choco - As stated above, this is pretty much just obligatory chocolate. Girls give this chocolate to any guys that they are obliged to give chocolate to on Valentine's Day.

Tomo-Choco - These chocolates are an exception to only giving chocolates to guys on Valentine's Day. Instead, this chocolate is for girls to give other girls as a sign of their friendship.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about three little extras in Mystic Messenger that I like. It's obviously not a very big list, but it's just a few things I found while playing Mystic Messenger or things I saw other fans mention that I thought were cool or funny. Now then, on with the list!

1.) I'll start with something that I found right in the beginning of the game. While you're talking to Unknown in the first chat of the game, you can get him to send you a picture of a boy. However, it's hard to tell if it's really him, or if it's just a picture he found on the internet. Here's the picture:

2.) Although it hasn't been confirmed by Cheritz, fans often say that Seven calls himself 707 because it's LOL when it's turned upside down.

3.) Finally, during Jaehee's route multiple characters break the fourth wall, including Jumin, Zen, and of course Seven. (I believe Jaehee also broke the fourth wall on her route, but I can't seem to find the chat she did it in right now.)

That's all for now! I hope you guys enjoy this short little list!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about what I think does and doesn't count as Anime, according to what I've seen or heard from other Anime fans. First of all, Anime is a general term used to describe cartoons (yes, cartoons) from Japan. However, they are usually in a unique art style that we have come to associate with Anime. But, there are some American shows like RWBY and Neo Yokio that are still widely considered to be Anime throughout the fan base. Despite this, there are also other shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi that are clearly inspired by Anime but are not considered to be Anime amongst the fans. But why is this? I personally think it might be because shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender and Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi aren't quite as accurate with the Anime art styling as other shows like RWBY. Because of this, it's easier for Anime fans to accept shows that are more accurately styled in the Anime art styles as opposed to shows that are clearly only Anime-inspired. But, this is just why I personally think Anime fans only accept some things as an Anime series over other things that just resemble the Anime art style. So, I might be wrong about some of this. However, I hope you guys still enjoy this post, and I also hope you guys agree with at least some of the things I said in this!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the show Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animated Series. Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animated Series is an Anime from 2013 that is based on the Hyperdimension Neptunia video games. The show currently has 12 episodes and an OVA. This show mainly centers around the four Goddesses that rule over Gamindustri as they go about their daily lives and face problems on the way. Each one of the Goddesses also controls their own part of Gamindustri. These Goddesses are known as Purple Heart, Green Heart, Black Heart, and White Heart. All in all, this series follows Neptune (Purple Heart), Noire (Black Heart), Blanc (White Heart), Vert (Green Heart), and their sisters Nepgear, Rom, Ram, and Uni as they go on different adventures, face dangers, and work out personal problems. The Goddesses also have to keep the peace while still keeping their oh-so-important shares (the source of their powers) in tact. This show is an action and adventure series with some comedy mixed in as well. Even though it's another one of the shorter series right now, I would still recommend watching this show. I personally think it has a good storyline and an exciting plot. I also like the jokes and the fourth-wall breaking they put in too. But, if any of you guys would like to check it out for yourself, it is currently available English dubbed on Funimation and English subbed on Crunchyroll.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Kakegurui. Kakegurui (or Compulsive Gambler) is an Anime that is based on the manga of the same name. The show centers mainly around Yumeko Jabami, a girl who transferred to a prestigious high school for the sons and daughters of wealthy families. However, this is no ordinary high school. During their free periods, lunch periods, and after school activities, the students of this school gamble against each other. If one of the students lose all of their money and fall into debt, they are forced to become a type of slave to the other "higher class" students. As the story goes on, the personalities of the different characters are quickly revealed. Each one has a unique personality, and each one is borderline insane when it comes to gambling. All but a few, that is. That's all I'll say about it for now though to avoid spoilers. But, I will say that I personally enjoy watching this series. I find it to be quite addictive, and the storyline is also pretty exciting to watch. But that's just what I think about it. Some people might think it's pretty weird though. However, if you would like to decide for yourself if it's a weird show or not, it is currently available both English dubbed and English subbed on Netflix.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Z-Rings and Z-Crystals from Pokémon Sun And Moon. Z-Rings and Z-Crystals are powerful tools that were introduced in the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon games. However, they also appear in the Pokémon Sun And Moon Anime as well. These special bracelets only work when used with Z-Crystals. Along with this, the Z-Moves that come from the Z-Ring and the Z-Crystals can only happen if the Pokémon is holding the same Z-Crystal type as its trainer. The Pokémon and its trainer also have to do special synchronized poses that vary based on the Z-Crystal being used. There are many different Z-Crystals as well, and each one represents a different Pokémon type. For example, if a trainer wanted to use a water-type Z-Move, they would have to use a Waterium Z Z-Crystal (which is obviously the water type Z-Crystal). As for what Z-Moves are, Z-Moves are powerful attacks that can only be used once in a battle. If a trainer synchronizes with their Pokémon while the trainer and the Pokémon have the correct Z-Crystals, the Pokémon will unleash an incredibly strong attack. But, this is more-or-less just the basics for Z-Rings and Z-Crystals. So if you would like to read some more about it, I will include the link to the official Pokémon Sun And Moon website below. I will also include a picture of a Z-Ring below as well. Enjoy!


On the left there is a normal Z-Ring, and on the right there is a Z-Ring with an Electrium Z electric-type Z-Crystal.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

I'm back with another blog post! For today's post, I will be listing five Rin and Len Kagamine songs, along with their links. Yes it's true, it's another Vocaloid song list. What can I say? I like making posts about songs I like! At least they're upbeat songs this time! Anyways, that's pretty much it. So, on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Club Nightmare

2.) 8 Hit

3.) Childish War

4.) Electric Angel

5.) Love-Hate

Friday, March 16, 2018

Today's blog post will be about tsunderes. I've already done a blog post about what tsunderes are before, but today I'll be talking about why so many Anime fans like them. I personally think tsunderes can be quite annoying, and it's a cliché I'd like to avoid. However, other Anime fans usually think tsunderes are cute. This includes both tsundere boys and tsundere girls. But why? I can honestly say that I don't think people would find them to be quite so charming if they were real. This is mainly because of their physical abuse towards their love interest. Along with this, they usually deny liking their love interest. A lot. Even when no one has mentioned it. They also usually act cold towards their love interest as well. But if this is true, why do people like them so much? I personally think it's because tsunderes are usually portrayed as being cute. Plus, the "reverse psychology" they use makes people more interested in them. If someone likes a tsundere, and the tsundere says something like "It's not like I like you! Baka!", then chances are the person is going to think it's cute. This will make them think the tsundere is lying (which they are), which makes them more interested in the tsundere as a result. But, I personally think things like this can be annoying, so such tsundere-type tactics would most likely not work for me. However, that doesn't mean that other people don't like things like this. As a matter of fact, most fans quite like this trope in Anime, and it's actually really popular. But, these are just some of the reasons I think tsunderes are so popular. And if any of you actually do like tsunderes, don't let my opinion on them change that for you!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be listing five songs I like that are covered by Utauloids, along with their links. Since I couldn't decide which Utauloid to do my post about, I decided to list some songs instead. To make this a bit more fair, I won't include more than one song per Utauloid. It's also a pretty short list as well, so I'll only include some Utauloid covers that I really like as of right now. These aren't exactly my favorite songs either, just some of the ones I like. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Disillusioned - Matsudappoiyo

2.) Realize It Already! - RYATA MAXUM

3.) Kiss Me Aishiteru - Rene Raizel

4.) Black Cats Of The Eve - Aster Kurami and Aster Kurono

5.) Wave - Kageasa

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about J-Pop. Although J-Pop isn't specifically Anime-related, popular J-Pop songs can often be found either in Anime, or being covered by Vocaloids and Utauloids. Along with this, some Vocaloid songs can also be considered J-Pop songs. This form of music obviously originated in Japan, and it entered Japan's mainstream music in the 1990's. Although the term now covers a wide range of music, it is most commonly associated with the pop genre (which is also pretty obvious). J-Pop usually has an upbeat sound as well. Even though J-Pop bands aren't exclusively female, I have noticed that quite a few of them are. For example, there is Puffy AmiYumi, C-ute, NMB48, and Perfume, to name a few. Although I haven't listened to very much J-Pop myself, I actually do like this genre of music. I also know of quite a few J-Pop songs that have been covered by one or more Vocaloids too. This type of music is obviously popular in Japan, but it's also popular in other parts of the world. Along with this, J-Pop is also known simply as Pops in Japan. I would definitely recommend listening to this type of music if you guys like upbeat music styles. I really like the J-Pop songs I've listened to, but this style of music really varies. Nonetheless, I would still recommend checking out this music style!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Why do so many Mystic Messenger fans hate Rika? Well, that's what I'll be discussing in today's blog post. Since I have yet to do the V route, the Ray route, or the secret endings, there shouldn't be too many spoilers in this post. But, that doesn't mean there won't be any spoilers, since I do still know quite a bit about her from various sources. There just won't be as many spoilers. So, proceed with caution. Now, on with the post! In the beginning of the game, Rika is said to be a wonderful and kind person who took her own life a year and a half prior to the events of the game. However, there were no witnesses, and her body was never found. Later in the game, it is stated that she didn't die at all. V simply told the others she did to preserve their memories of her. It was also revealed that she was mentally ill, which caused her to become the way she was. I do know that some of these things I'm mentioning were in fact revealed in the after endings and such. So yes, that does mean I spoiled parts of the game for myself. Oh well! Anyways, Rika's mental illness got so bad that (Major spoiler ahead, last chance to turn back!) she ended up becoming the leader of Mint Eye. All of her actions after that point are why most fans dislike Rika so much. I can personally say that I also dislike Rika. Not because of her mental illnesses, but because she could've gotten herself treated long before it became that big of a problem. However, I also understand why other people actually do like Rika. I personally think that she isn't the best person, but she could have still become a better person. I also think she wouldn't have gotten that bad if V had just told everyone in the RFA what was wrong with her instead of hiding it. Then she would have gotten support from the whole RFA. But, there might still be a chance for her redemption if Cheritz made a route for her too, but it's almost impossible to know if she will ever get her own route. I guess we'll just have to wait to see if that happens. Nonetheless, I hope this post helps clear up any confusion you guys may have had over why so many people dislike Rika!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Since I haven't done a blog post about an Utauloid in a while, I decided to do one about an Utauloid. So, I went over to the Utau wikis to find a new one for my blog post. I ended up finding one called Ryata Maxum. If you can't already tell, he'll be the center of today's blog post! This Utauloid was created by Ayatonic. Although his name is Ryata Maxum, he also goes by the alias Ryataloid M. He is part of a series of Utauloids known as Obscuraloids, too. He doesn't have a defined age, but he does have a defined weight and height. He is 5'10" tall, and he weighs 130 pounds. As for his personality, Ryata is pessimistic and lazy. He also really like sleeping and eating sweets. But, he dislikes hot weather. He's usually cool as well, but he has an emotional heart. If any of you guys would like to hear what his voice sounds like, I will include a link to a song sung by him below. Enjoy!


Sunday, March 11, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about a popular and well-known Pokémon theory, along with my thoughts on it. The theory that's in the spotlight this time is the one that questions if Caterpie and Venonat somehow had their final evolutions switched. When I first found this theory, I could immediately see that it actually made quite a bit of sense. This theory states that Venonat looks more similar to Butterfree than it does to Venomoth. When you look at the two Pokémon, you can actually see many similarities between the two. Firstly, they both have the same big red eyes, the same small hands, the same antennae, and they're both purple, just to name a few similarities. On the other hand, Caterpie, and its evolution Metapod, are said to be more like Venomoth in appearance. Although this one is a bit harder for me to see, I can still see some similarities between them all. To start with, Caterpie, Metapod, and Venomoth all have similar eyes. Along with this, they also share the same striped patterns on their bodies. People also say that Caterpie and Venomoth have similar horns on their heads as well, but I don't really think their horns are very similar. However, I could still see the possibility of a Caterpie and a Metapod evolving into a Venomoth. Now it's time for my thoughts on this theory! I personally think that this theory actually has a lot of evidence to back it up. Even though I know I've denied theories in the past, there are just too many similarities between these evolution lines. I honestly don't know why it looks like these two final evolutions were mixed up. Maybe they were just mixed up during the design process. It's hard to say. Unless the creators of Pokémon themselves confirm or disprove this theory, it's pretty much impossible to tell if this really was just a mix up or if it was intentional. Whatever the case is, I can personally say that I think this theory actually makes a lot of sense. But that's just my opinion on it, so don't let my thoughts on it change your opinion! However, I will include a picture of the correct evolution line and the switched evolution line below, just as a little more evidence for this theory. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Neko Boys. Although I have done a post about Nekos before, today I will be talking specifically about Neko Boys. As a little recap, I will briefly explain what a Neko is for anyone who may not know what they are. The term Neko is used to describe a character in an Anime or a manga that is usually part cat. This means that the character will usually have cat ears and a cat tail, and they will often display cat-like traits as well. But, I'm sure there are some Nekos that don't act like a cat too. Even though the word neko itself is the Japanese word for cat, it has since become a slang term used by Anime and manga fans. However, when someone mentions a Neko, people usually only think about Neko girls. But why is this? Of course Neko girls are usually used to appeal to the male audiences in particular, there are still a lot of girls who watch Anime as well. Even though there are shoujo Anime and manga series available that are made specifically for girls, not all girls like this genre. Because of this, it's quite a bit harder to find Neko boys in Anime and manga as opposed to the much more popular and well-known Neko girls. Perhaps I'm just not watching the right Anime shows to find them, but I think it's more likely because they're not as popular as their Neko girl counterparts. I know I didn't really explain what a Neko boy is in this post, but that's because a Neko boy's characteristics are pretty much the same as a Neko girl's. But, I hope you guys enjoyed this post anyways!

Friday, March 9, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Maximillion Pegasus from the show Yu-Gi-Oh. Although I have already done a post about Pegasus, in this post I will be more-or-less analyzing Pegasus, along with adding some of my own thoughts on him. There will also be some spoilers for the series though, so read with caution if you haven't finished the series yet! Now then, on with the post! Pegasus was initially introduced to the series as a villain, but it was later revealed that he was actually just trying to find a way to bring back his beloved Cecilia. I personally think that although I understand why he would want to bring back his love Cecilia, he could have found a different way of going about it. However, he did turn into an ally soon after, which I think shows that he didn't really want to be an antagonist to begin with. He was simply doing whatever he could to fulfill his goal. Pegasus has also been shown to be a man of his word as well. Despite being a cheater himself, he doesn't usually tolerate cheating during a duel either. This is actually quite hypocritical if you ask me. But I will admit that despite all of this, I actually quite like Pegasus. He's usually portrayed as being well-mannered, a bit too dramatic, and he obviously has a soft spot for cartoons as well. He's actually one of my favorite characters, and he has been since I was little. I guess that's one of the reasons I decided to make this post. But, I hope you guys enjoy this little character analysis I did! And if you have your own opinions on Pegasus, don't let my thoughts on him change it for you! A lot of this is just my opinion, after all. As a little bonus fun fact, I would like to mention that Pegasus was actually named Pegasus J. Crawford in the original Japanese version too.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the game Yu-Gi-Oh: Millennium Duels. The game Yu-Gi-Oh: Millennium Duels was released in 2014 for the PS3 and the XBox 360. As per usual, this game is based around the Duel Monsters card game. However, in this game you can duel with many characters from several different Yu-Gi-Oh shows. This game includes characters from the original Yu-Gi-Oh series, GX, 5D's, and Zexal. Along with this, you can earn cards for your deck by winning duels against the different characters. Each character's deck also mirrors the one they used in the Anime as well. For example, Weevil would use an insect-based deck, where as Pegasus would use a toon-based deck. I have personally played this game, and I would definitely recommend it. It's fun to play, and I like the fact that the characters duel like they did in the shows. If any of you guys would like to check it out for yourself, there are free demos available for it on the PS3 and the XBox 360. If you like it, you could also buy it for $9.99 on either console as well. Either way, I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the Vocaloid song Donut Hole. Although I generally don't do posts about one specific Vocaloid song, I do occasionally make exceptions. In this case, the song Donut Hole is so popular that I figured I would do a post for it. This song was originally sung by Gumi, but it's so popular that covers of it can be found for a ton of other Vocaloids. It was also made by Hachi, a popular Vocaloid producer. It has an upbeat melody and vague lyrics that are generally open to interpretation. Although the song is originally in Japanese, there are quite a few videos available that have English subtitles for it. The song was originally released in 2013, but it ended up with millions of views. If any of you guys would like to check this song out, I will include the links for the original video and the video with English subtitles below. Enjoy!

The original YouTube video link:

The English subtitled YouTube video link:

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about shipping. I won't be talking about any specific ships or anything either, just shipping in general. I've actually known about this concept for quite a while, but I've been avoiding the topic on my blog because I don't really like shipping. First of all, shipping isn't limited to just the Anime, manga, and Vocaloid communities. It can actually be found in a lot of different fan bases. This includes things like Anime, manga, and Vocaloids. But, it also includes things like Steven Universe and Undertale, to name a few. Now as for what shipping is, shipping is basically a term used to describe when a fan of something takes two characters from a show or something else they like and put them in a romantic relationship. These people are often known as "shippers". Although this seems pretty harmless, some people can be very headstrong when it comes to their preferred ship. I personally don't like this because people come up with some really weird ships. Along with this, some people can also be quite obnoxious when it comes to things like this, especially the people who claim their ship is a "superior ship". Other than this, I really don't mind if people want to support canon ships or make up their own. But if there's a ship someone really likes, I think it would be nice if they at least stayed civil about it. That's just my opinion though. Even though I got a bit off track at the end, I hope this post still helps you guys understand ships better!

Monday, March 5, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Exodia and the three Egyptian God cards from the original Yu-Gi-Oh Anime. There will be minor spoilers for the show though. Now on with the post! I'll start with Exodia, since it was the first one introduced in the Anime. When it comes to Exodia, there's no doubting its strength. The only catch it has is that all five of the cards have to be drawn for it to work. But once that happened, the duel was automatically won by Yugi. However, later in the series Yugi foolishly let Weevil see his Exodia cards. Weevil then went on to throw them over the side of the boat. So, Yugi was unable to use them for the rest of the series. I personally think that it was probably a good thing Yugi lost most of his Exodia cards. But, this is only because then they couldn't be used over and over again to automatically win duels. As for the Egyptian God cards, each one of the God cards are very powerful. But according to the show, only the three original God cards can be used. If someone tries to make and use another copy of one of the God cards, they are punished for it. This means that there is only one copy of each card in the show, which makes them very hard to obtain. Aside from this, each one has a powerful ability that makes them very useful to have in a duel. To prevent any major spoilers, I won't say exactly what these individual powers are. But, I will say the three Egyptian God cards are said to be the most powerful cards in Duel Monsters. Along with this, they also served as a main focus point for many episodes after they were introduced.  When it comes to the three Egyptian God cards, I personally like the fact that each one is very powerful on their own so they don't have to be used together. I also like the story arc that was centered around them and the parts they played in the Anime as well. As a little added fun-fact, I would like to mention that, like many other cards in the series, the three Egyptian God cards did have different names in the original Japanese version. However, the one whose name was changed the most was actually Slifer The Sky Dragon. Slifer The Sky Dragon was originally named Sky Dragon Of Osiris. The name "Slifer" actually came from Roger Slifer, who was an employee of 4Kids at the time.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the game Yu-Gi-Oh: The Sacred Cards. This game is for the Game Boy Advance, and it was originally released in 2002. It is also a role-playing game that loosely follows the Battle City story arc from the Anime and manga. However, now the player character plays a large role in the storyline. In this game, the player can duel with many different duelists, including characters like Mai Valentine and Bakura Ryou, along with many others. Along with this, you can also earn in-game money and cards by winning duels, or you can buy cards from the card shop. During the tournament, your character is also tasked with winning six locator cards by dueling the other characters. However, it is necessary to defeat some duelists at certain points in the game. This game is also a semi-open world RPG, since you can travel to different locations and walk around to find and challenge other duelists. I have actually been playing this game recently, and I really like it! It's fun (but sometimes tedious) to duel all of the different characters, especially the ones from the series! It's also a bit fun to explore the in-game world as well. Although the graphics  aren't the best, I would definitely recommend playing this game!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Today I will be talking about censorship in the original Yu-Gi-Oh series. I have noticed that one of the most hated and talked about things in the original Yu-Gi-Oh series is all of the unnecessary censorship done by 4Kids. I completely agree that a lot of the censorship was unnecessary, especially when they would take out English words that appeared in the background. They would also change dialogue that could have been left the same, and they took out anything that even just hinted at the fact that they were in Japan. Along with this, they always censored anything that had to do with death or violence. So why did they make so many changes to the show, be it necessary or otherwise? Well, I personally believe that it was because they took a show that was originally meant for an older audience and toned it down for younger kids. When I watched Yu-Gi-Oh when I was younger, I thought it was a really good show. But now even though I still like the show, I was quite upset when I found out how much had been changed in it. I honestly don't think they should have tried to make a show for older audiences into a show for younger kids. Even though the subtitled version is now available on Crunchyroll, it still seems strange to watch it without hearing the English voice actors. But, at least the subtitled version isn't censored! Although, I would have preferred the uncut English version myself.

Friday, March 2, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Sweet Lolita and Gothic Lolita fashions. First of all, Lolita fashions are popular fashion styles in Japan. But, these two fashion styles are both very different and quite similar to each other. Firstly, Sweet Lolita outfits are usually pastel colored with a lot of ruffles and cute themed prints. On the other hand, Gothic Lolita fashions usually focus on dark colors. Although there are also ruffles on the dresses, the style itself looks more like it's from England's Victorian era instead. Even though these styles don't show up very much in Anime, there are quite a few examples of girls wearing these types of outfits. As an example, I will include an Anime character below for both of the fashion styles I mentioned. But, I will say that I'm not entirely sure which Anime these characters are from since I have yet to watch them myself. However, I did find their names. So, I will include their names under their pictures instead. Enjoy!

Ruri Gokou wearing a Sweet Lolita outfit.
Anna Kushina wearing a Gothic Lolita outfit.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

As I was trying to decide what to do for my blog post today, I suddenly remembered the Vocaloid VY2 Yuuma. Since I haven't done a Vocaloid post in a while, I decided to list five songs sung by him, along with their links. But before I start the list, I would like to mention that VY2 Yuuma actually doesn't have an official design. However, his most popular fan-made design is the one with pink hair, so it's the one that's usually used to represent him. Now then, on with the post!

1.) Electric Angel

2.) Paradichlorobenzene

3.) Lost One's Weeping

4.) Tokyo Teddy Bear

5.) Ai Kotoba