Saturday, March 3, 2018

Today I will be talking about censorship in the original Yu-Gi-Oh series. I have noticed that one of the most hated and talked about things in the original Yu-Gi-Oh series is all of the unnecessary censorship done by 4Kids. I completely agree that a lot of the censorship was unnecessary, especially when they would take out English words that appeared in the background. They would also change dialogue that could have been left the same, and they took out anything that even just hinted at the fact that they were in Japan. Along with this, they always censored anything that had to do with death or violence. So why did they make so many changes to the show, be it necessary or otherwise? Well, I personally believe that it was because they took a show that was originally meant for an older audience and toned it down for younger kids. When I watched Yu-Gi-Oh when I was younger, I thought it was a really good show. But now even though I still like the show, I was quite upset when I found out how much had been changed in it. I honestly don't think they should have tried to make a show for older audiences into a show for younger kids. Even though the subtitled version is now available on Crunchyroll, it still seems strange to watch it without hearing the English voice actors. But, at least the subtitled version isn't censored! Although, I would have preferred the uncut English version myself.

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