Tuesday, March 27, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about three types of Anime fans that I have seen while watching Anime-related videos and reading Anime-related content on the internet. Now these aren't necessarily bad people, just a common trend I've noticed in the Anime community. I may also be continuing this list in the future, so keep an eye out for that too. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Meme bois - Yes, I do realize that I spelled boys with an I. I promise it was intentional. Anyways, this type of Anime fan often comments on YouTube videos and stuff with memes or references from the fandom of that particular Anime. However, they will also occasionally stray away and post their Anime memes on random videos and such as well. This particular type of fan can be found in almost any fandom too.

2.) Weebs - This type of fan isn't necessarily a weeaboo themself, but they go around calling other people and themself weebs or weeaboos. Although some only do this when they are provoked, a lot of them just do it for fun. I personally think this can be a bit annoying.

3.) Fangirls - Last but not least we have fangirls. Even though this type of fan isn't unique to Anime fans, their very presence is hard to ignore. This type of fan will usually randomly claim a character as their own and complain if someone else says they also like the character. Although some of them can be civil about it, quite a few of them will claim that the character they chose is theirs and theirs alone. I personally think these types of fans can get to be a bit annoying as well.

But, that's the only types of fans I'll talk about for today. I hope you guys enjoy this little list I did! I would also like to mention that this is just my opinion on them as well. It's also just for fun too, so take this list with a grain of salt!

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