Sunday, March 11, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about a popular and well-known Pokémon theory, along with my thoughts on it. The theory that's in the spotlight this time is the one that questions if Caterpie and Venonat somehow had their final evolutions switched. When I first found this theory, I could immediately see that it actually made quite a bit of sense. This theory states that Venonat looks more similar to Butterfree than it does to Venomoth. When you look at the two Pokémon, you can actually see many similarities between the two. Firstly, they both have the same big red eyes, the same small hands, the same antennae, and they're both purple, just to name a few similarities. On the other hand, Caterpie, and its evolution Metapod, are said to be more like Venomoth in appearance. Although this one is a bit harder for me to see, I can still see some similarities between them all. To start with, Caterpie, Metapod, and Venomoth all have similar eyes. Along with this, they also share the same striped patterns on their bodies. People also say that Caterpie and Venomoth have similar horns on their heads as well, but I don't really think their horns are very similar. However, I could still see the possibility of a Caterpie and a Metapod evolving into a Venomoth. Now it's time for my thoughts on this theory! I personally think that this theory actually has a lot of evidence to back it up. Even though I know I've denied theories in the past, there are just too many similarities between these evolution lines. I honestly don't know why it looks like these two final evolutions were mixed up. Maybe they were just mixed up during the design process. It's hard to say. Unless the creators of Pokémon themselves confirm or disprove this theory, it's pretty much impossible to tell if this really was just a mix up or if it was intentional. Whatever the case is, I can personally say that I think this theory actually makes a lot of sense. But that's just my opinion on it, so don't let my thoughts on it change your opinion! However, I will include a picture of the correct evolution line and the switched evolution line below, just as a little more evidence for this theory. Enjoy!

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