Monday, March 26, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Magical Girl transformation sequences. Now there are many different Magical Girl Anime series available, but each one usually has at least one thing in common; the transformation sequences. These long elaborate transformations are so well-known that it has actually become a cliché in the Anime and manga community. This particular concept is also often either mocked or copied in other shows as well, even in western cartoons. I've actually seen a Magical Girl Anime or two that have commented on the lengthy transformations of the heroines as well. But why is this? I myself have often wondered why the antagonists don't just try to stop or defeat a magical girl before she transforms. However, I'm sure the Anime wouldn't be as interesting to watch if the magical girls were so easily defeated. Or maybe the antagonists just like the transformation sequences. Whatever the case may be, this well-known cliché is actually quite popular. Along with this, I think a magical girl Anime just wouldn't be the same without these flashy, sparkly, over-the-top transformation sequences!

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