Monday, March 5, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Exodia and the three Egyptian God cards from the original Yu-Gi-Oh Anime. There will be minor spoilers for the show though. Now on with the post! I'll start with Exodia, since it was the first one introduced in the Anime. When it comes to Exodia, there's no doubting its strength. The only catch it has is that all five of the cards have to be drawn for it to work. But once that happened, the duel was automatically won by Yugi. However, later in the series Yugi foolishly let Weevil see his Exodia cards. Weevil then went on to throw them over the side of the boat. So, Yugi was unable to use them for the rest of the series. I personally think that it was probably a good thing Yugi lost most of his Exodia cards. But, this is only because then they couldn't be used over and over again to automatically win duels. As for the Egyptian God cards, each one of the God cards are very powerful. But according to the show, only the three original God cards can be used. If someone tries to make and use another copy of one of the God cards, they are punished for it. This means that there is only one copy of each card in the show, which makes them very hard to obtain. Aside from this, each one has a powerful ability that makes them very useful to have in a duel. To prevent any major spoilers, I won't say exactly what these individual powers are. But, I will say the three Egyptian God cards are said to be the most powerful cards in Duel Monsters. Along with this, they also served as a main focus point for many episodes after they were introduced.  When it comes to the three Egyptian God cards, I personally like the fact that each one is very powerful on their own so they don't have to be used together. I also like the story arc that was centered around them and the parts they played in the Anime as well. As a little added fun-fact, I would like to mention that, like many other cards in the series, the three Egyptian God cards did have different names in the original Japanese version. However, the one whose name was changed the most was actually Slifer The Sky Dragon. Slifer The Sky Dragon was originally named Sky Dragon Of Osiris. The name "Slifer" actually came from Roger Slifer, who was an employee of 4Kids at the time.

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