Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Why do so many Mystic Messenger fans hate Rika? Well, that's what I'll be discussing in today's blog post. Since I have yet to do the V route, the Ray route, or the secret endings, there shouldn't be too many spoilers in this post. But, that doesn't mean there won't be any spoilers, since I do still know quite a bit about her from various sources. There just won't be as many spoilers. So, proceed with caution. Now, on with the post! In the beginning of the game, Rika is said to be a wonderful and kind person who took her own life a year and a half prior to the events of the game. However, there were no witnesses, and her body was never found. Later in the game, it is stated that she didn't die at all. V simply told the others she did to preserve their memories of her. It was also revealed that she was mentally ill, which caused her to become the way she was. I do know that some of these things I'm mentioning were in fact revealed in the after endings and such. So yes, that does mean I spoiled parts of the game for myself. Oh well! Anyways, Rika's mental illness got so bad that (Major spoiler ahead, last chance to turn back!) she ended up becoming the leader of Mint Eye. All of her actions after that point are why most fans dislike Rika so much. I can personally say that I also dislike Rika. Not because of her mental illnesses, but because she could've gotten herself treated long before it became that big of a problem. However, I also understand why other people actually do like Rika. I personally think that she isn't the best person, but she could have still become a better person. I also think she wouldn't have gotten that bad if V had just told everyone in the RFA what was wrong with her instead of hiding it. Then she would have gotten support from the whole RFA. But, there might still be a chance for her redemption if Cheritz made a route for her too, but it's almost impossible to know if she will ever get her own route. I guess we'll just have to wait to see if that happens. Nonetheless, I hope this post helps clear up any confusion you guys may have had over why so many people dislike Rika!

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