Sunday, March 25, 2018

As you guys may know, Seven is my favorite character in Mystic Messenger. So for today's post, I will be listing his different nicknames and aliases. Because of this, I won't be listing his real name. This is mostly to avoid spoilers. I will also include a couple of notes with the nicknames and aliases as well. There may be some minor spoilers too, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post!

* 707 - This is Seven's main nickname. I'm not sure why he decided to go with this specific number, but the fan base does have a few ideas.

* Seven - This is just a variation of 707.

* God Seven - I'm not sure why he calls himself this, but he does refer to himself as God Seven quite a bit throughout the game. The player will also occasionally have the option to call him this.

* Defender Of Justice - This is another one I'm not sure of. But, I'm pretty sure he calls himself this because he helps people through his work at the agency. I may be wrong though.

* Hacker God - This is his username for LOLOL.

* Lucky Seven - I'm not sure exactly where this nickname came from, but I do know he doesn't like being called this.

* Luciel - This is Seven's baptismal name.

* 707 EXTREME - This is the alias he uses for the agency he works for.

So there you have it, a list of Seven's many different names! I didn't include a couple of them because I just wanted to list some of the main names he's used. But, I hope you guys enjoy the list anyways!

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