Saturday, March 10, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Neko Boys. Although I have done a post about Nekos before, today I will be talking specifically about Neko Boys. As a little recap, I will briefly explain what a Neko is for anyone who may not know what they are. The term Neko is used to describe a character in an Anime or a manga that is usually part cat. This means that the character will usually have cat ears and a cat tail, and they will often display cat-like traits as well. But, I'm sure there are some Nekos that don't act like a cat too. Even though the word neko itself is the Japanese word for cat, it has since become a slang term used by Anime and manga fans. However, when someone mentions a Neko, people usually only think about Neko girls. But why is this? Of course Neko girls are usually used to appeal to the male audiences in particular, there are still a lot of girls who watch Anime as well. Even though there are shoujo Anime and manga series available that are made specifically for girls, not all girls like this genre. Because of this, it's quite a bit harder to find Neko boys in Anime and manga as opposed to the much more popular and well-known Neko girls. Perhaps I'm just not watching the right Anime shows to find them, but I think it's more likely because they're not as popular as their Neko girl counterparts. I know I didn't really explain what a Neko boy is in this post, but that's because a Neko boy's characteristics are pretty much the same as a Neko girl's. But, I hope you guys enjoyed this post anyways!

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