Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Unknown from Mystic Messenger. Even though I know I've already done a blog post about him, today I will be talking about why I think he's such a popular character. I'll try not to give away any spoilers in this post either. Now then, on with the post! So, why is Unknown such a popular character? Aside from the prologue chat, the player barely ever talks to him in the Casual Story and Deep Story routes of the game. Even though the player gets to talk to him more with the addition of the Another Story section, it takes quite a bit of hourglasses to unlock this section of the game. However, he was still popular before the addition of Another Story as well. But why is this? Even though he's initially presented as a villain, he's still loved by fans. I personally think this is partially because he has a cool-looking design. Along with this, he also has a cool but sometimes menacing personality. For some reason, fans usually like the bad-boy type of characters too. I think his backstory has a big part in it as well, since he's easy to sympathize with after you find out about his past. But, these are just some of the reasons I personally think have attributed to his popularity. If any of you guys have your own different reasons for liking Unknown, that's obviously completely fine. After all, this is just my opinion! But, I hope you guys like this post anyways!

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