Friday, March 16, 2018

Today's blog post will be about tsunderes. I've already done a blog post about what tsunderes are before, but today I'll be talking about why so many Anime fans like them. I personally think tsunderes can be quite annoying, and it's a cliché I'd like to avoid. However, other Anime fans usually think tsunderes are cute. This includes both tsundere boys and tsundere girls. But why? I can honestly say that I don't think people would find them to be quite so charming if they were real. This is mainly because of their physical abuse towards their love interest. Along with this, they usually deny liking their love interest. A lot. Even when no one has mentioned it. They also usually act cold towards their love interest as well. But if this is true, why do people like them so much? I personally think it's because tsunderes are usually portrayed as being cute. Plus, the "reverse psychology" they use makes people more interested in them. If someone likes a tsundere, and the tsundere says something like "It's not like I like you! Baka!", then chances are the person is going to think it's cute. This will make them think the tsundere is lying (which they are), which makes them more interested in the tsundere as a result. But, I personally think things like this can be annoying, so such tsundere-type tactics would most likely not work for me. However, that doesn't mean that other people don't like things like this. As a matter of fact, most fans quite like this trope in Anime, and it's actually really popular. But, these are just some of the reasons I think tsunderes are so popular. And if any of you actually do like tsunderes, don't let my opinion on them change that for you!

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