Sunday, December 31, 2017

Since yesterday's blog post was about the Yokai medals, today's blog post will be about the Yokai Medallium from Yokai Watch. The Yokai Medallium isn't as important as the medals are, but it is important to the medals. The Yokai Medallium is a book that can hold the Yokai medals. However, it has been demonstrated in the Anime that the Medallium can also summon a legendary Yokai if certain Yokai medals are put in it. Although it can hold a lot of Yokai medals, it can be filled. This was also shown in the Anime when Nate needed a second Yokai Medallium to hold of the extra medals he collected. Other than holding the Yokai medals and occasionally summoning a legendary Yokai, the Medallium doesn't really have any other purpose. It's simply a safe place for the medals to be. I will also include a picture of the Yokai Medallium on here for reference as well. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

For today's blog post I will be talking about Yokai medals from Yokai Watch. Yokai medals are actually a very important part of Yokai Watch, in both the game and the Anime. To make it easier, I'll only talk about their significance in the show. To obtain a Yokai's medal, they must first be befriended. After that, its medal can be used with the Yokai Watch to summon the Yokai at any time. However, there are a few instances in the show where the Yokai refused to come because they were busy. They usually appear when summoned, though. Anyways, to befriend a Yokai, another Yokai can be summoned to either fight with them or talk to them. Nate has also received a Yokai's medal when they dropped it before, too. When Nate gets a Yokai's medal, he puts it in the Yokai Medallium. When there are enough Yokai medals in the Medallium, a legendary Yokai is summoned by it. The Yokai medal is also a symbol of Nate's friendship with that Yokai as well.

Friday, December 29, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the game Undertale. Now I know I've made a post about Anime references in Undertale before, since its not an Anime-oriented game. However, today I will be talking about its Japanese localization. That's right, there's also a Japanese version available for the game! It's also an official Japanese version of the game. However, the biggest part of the Japanese localization that had the Japanese fans all wound up was known as the "Oira Shock". This happened because Sans The Skeleton referred to himself using the oira pronoun. Since I don't speak very much Japanese myself, I didn't quite understand what the problem was. But it seems that this Japanese pronoun is more commonly used as a country bumpkin type term, so the fans didn't think that this pronoun was appropriate for Sans. Although this particular part was a huge shock to the Japanese fandom, this version was officially approved by the creator of Undertale, Toby Fox. Despite this one little detail, the rest of the localization for it was well-received by the Japanese fandom. I myself am also a big fan of Undertale (obviously). It's a good game, and it has a good storyline too. I would definitely recommend checking this game out as well, especially since it has all of the little added Anime references in it!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Today's blog post is about the Pokeball from Pokémon. The Pokeball is one of the most common things in Pokémon, and there are multiple different types of them. It is also essential to have these on your Pokémon journey, since they're used to catch and store your Pokémon. The most common Pokeball is the red and white one. However, different types are stronger, such as the Master Ball. Other types of Pokeballs are also more likely to catch a specific type of Pokémon, such as how a Net Ball is more likely to catch a bug or water type Pokémon. Although it is seen very frequently, there still hasn't been any confirmation of what is inside a Pokeball either. So far, we only know that it's supposed to be nice and comfortable inside of one. However, the Luxury Ball is said to be the most comfortable type of Pokeball there is. Since there are many different types of Pokeballs, I will include a picture on here showing multiple different types. I'm not sure if it's all of the different Pokeball types though, since there are a lot of them. Nevertheless, enjoy the picture!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

It's blog post time! Today's blog post will be about Gudetama. Gudetama is a character made by Sanrio, the same ones who made Hello Kitty and many other popular characters. Gudetama is actually very popular as well, despite its simple design. I've personally watched the little Anime shorts for it as well, and its rather laid back. Gudetama itself is known for being a very lazy egg yolk, and its very popular because of this. It has a rather basic design too, and it has no defined gender. The Anime shorts for it are kind of odd, but also a bit interesting. Its actually pretty hard to explain this character, since its defining features are a lack of motivation and a persisting laziness. Other than this, there isn't very much to say about Gudetama. However, I will include a picture of it on here so you guys can see what Gudetama looks like. Enjoy!


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the special Christmas opening chats for Mystic Messenger. Now unfortunately it was only for Christmas day, so it's already over. Now, on with the post! I'm not sure how many chats there were in total, but I personally saw one for Rika, Yoosung, Zen, Jumin, Jaehee, and two for Seven. Unlike normal chats, this one appeared as soon as the app was loaded in instead of going straight to the main menu screen. These special chats were also very short, and they did not allow the MC to participate. They also didn't save to the history like the other chats. There's not really anything more to say about this event. It was just a cute little extra event for Christmas. The main opening screen was also updated for Christmas as well. Unfortunately I could only find one picture for this and it was pretty dulled down. However, I'll include it here anyways. Enjoy!

Monday, December 25, 2017

It's Christmas Day! You know what that means! It's time for part two of my Christmas post! Now there are tons of Christmas specials in Anime. But, I unfortunately don't know of very many. So instead, I will include five Christmas Anime pictures for today's post. Enjoy! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Sunday, December 24, 2017

It's Christmas Eve! You know what that means! It's time for part one of my Christmas post! So for today's post, I will be listing five Christmas Vocaloid songs. I will also include their links as well. Most of these are covers too, and all of them are in English. Now then, on with the list!

1.)  Last Christmas By Hatsune Miku

2.) Santa Tell Me By Hatsune Miku

3.) Christmas Spirit By Oliver

4.) Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas By A Chorus Of Vocaloids

5.) I'll Have A Blue Christmas Without You By Kaito

Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Holidays everyone!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Since yesterday I said I would take a break from Pokémon posts for a bit, today's post will be one about Yokai Watch. More specifically, this post will be about the official Yokai Watch toy. I will actually be doing a review for it. This is also only my second review, so it won't be perfect. Now on with the review! The Yokai Watch toy looks just like the original Yokai Watch in the show. It also makes the same sound when you hit the button to open the lid. If you hold the button, it makes the same searching sound it does in the show, too. However, it doesn't have the blue light on it. The watch band for it can also come off to be switched out or replaced. Although most of the medals are sold separately, it does come with a Whisper medal and a Jibanyan medal. When you insert the medal, it does the summoning song for that Yokai, and then the Yokai says its name at the end. If you put the medal in wrong, it makes the same sound as it does in the Anime as well. So I would have to say its pretty much just like its Anime counterpart, with only a few things being different. It doesn't actually summon Yokai though. All in all it's a pretty cool thing to have around. One of the only downsides to it is that the medals come in blind bags, so there's a chance you'll get the same medal more than once. It also means you can't necessarily get that one specific medal you want. Unless you want to buy tons of different Yokai medal blind bags, that is.

Friday, December 22, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be making a list of my top five favorite Alolan forms of Pokémon, along with a short note on why I like each one. Of course this means I will only be including the regional variants of past Pokémon. I would also like to mention that I have noticed I've been doing a lot of Pokémon posts recently. It's just because I have been watching a lot of Pokémon stuff. I'll try to change it up after today's blog post, so just bear with me. Now then, on with the post!

1.) Alolan Vulpix - I actually like this Vulpix form a bit more than the original one! It has a cute appearance, and its ice typing also seems to suit it quite well.

2.) Alolan Ninetales - This Pokémon has always been very pretty in my opinion, but I think Ninetales is even more beautiful now with its ice/fairy typing.

3.) Alolan Marowak - I must admit that I was always kind of neutral towards Marowak, but its Alolan form is actually really cool. The fire/ghost typing for it is also a nice touch.

4.) Alolan Raichu - I was a bit surprised to see this form of Raichu, and I had never expected to see an electric/psychic type for it. However, I really like its cute new design. I also like the fact that it can ride its tail in the air like a surf board.

5.) Alolan Diglett and Alolan Dugtrio - I included these two together because I like them about the same amount. Surprisingly, I actually quite like these little guys. Their ground/steel typing is quite interesting, and I think its funny and cute that they have little whiskers that look like hair.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Mawile from Pokémon. More specifically, I'll be talking about Mawile's regular and Mega Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Pokedex entries. To make it easier to follow, I'll make the discussion for Mawile's regular and Mega Pokedex entries into two different sections. Now then, on with the post!

Mawile - The Ultra Moon entry for it is pretty normal as it says "It has two mouths. The big jaws on the back of its head can't taste anything, so that's the mouth it uses to eat foods it doesn't like.". However, the Ultra Sun entry gets a bit darker. It says "A cunning and terrifying Pokémon, its cuteness makes opponents let down their guard - and then it swallows them whole with its huge jaws.". Yikes!

Mega Mawile - As with many other Mega evolved Pokémon, it only gets darker from here. Starting with the Ultra Sun Pokedex entry that states "It has an extremely vicious disposition. It grips prey in its two sets of jaws and tears them apart with raw power.". The Ultra Moon Pokedex entry for it is just as bad. It says "Its two sets of jaws thrash about violently as if they each had a will of their own. One gnash from them can turn a boulder to dust.".

So in conclusion, not only is this Pokémon already pretty dangerous, but it gets worse with Mega evolution! That's pretty much expected at this point though. Right? So even though this Pokémon is quite cute, I don't think I would want to meet one! Especially since its cuteness is how it lures you in!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

So yesterday I was watching Mystic Messenger videos on YouTube, when all of a sudden I got smacked with huge news for it! Well, maybe average sized news. Anyways, I will be telling you what all the fuss is about with this post. And now, the moment you've all been waiting for! Cheritz has recently revealed that Ray (or Unknown) will be getting his own route this upcoming January! His route will be added to the Another Story section, too. This means on the fourth day of Another Story, you could find yourself on either V's route or Unknown's route! Although I'm not super excited about this new route, I know a lot of Mystic Messenger fans have been waiting for this to happen. I am also a bit curious about what his route will be like as well. Unfortunately, that's all of the information I have for it right now. I just wanted to do this post so I could tell you guys about his upcoming route. However, I hope all of you Unknown fans out there are excited to hear about this news! Remember, it's coming in January!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

If you guys don't know (since I'm pretty sure I didn't mention it before), Eevee is one of my favorite Pokémon, along with its evolutions. So for today's blog post, I will be listing all of the Eevee evolutions from my favorite ones to my least favorite ones. I will also include a small note on why I like each one. If one that you like ends up as one of the last ones on the list, it just means I don't like that particular one as much as the others. I still like all of the Eevee evolutions!

1.) Eevee - I've liked this one for quite a while now. It has so many possible evolutions, but why not just keep it as it is? It's so cute!

2.) Umbreon - I think Umbreon has a really cool design, and I also like its dark typing.

3.) Sylveon - I like Sylveon because it has a cute design, and because its Pokedex says it will wrap its feelers around its trainer's arm when they're walking together. That's just so cute!

4.) Espeon - This one has a cool design too. It's also a psychic type, so that's another reason to like it.

5.) Glaceon - Glaceon is actually a very pretty Pokémon. I also like the cool blue of its design and the ice typing of this Pokémon.

6.) Vaporeon - Even though this water type Eeveelution has an unconventional design, I actually quite like the way it looks.

7.) - Flareon - Although all of the Eeveelutions have their own charms, this is another one of the ones I think has a cute design.

8.) Jolteon - I've always admired how cool this one looks, and I think its electric typing is pretty cool too.

9.) Leafeon - Ah yes, Leafeon. Although I do like its design and grass typing, I must admit I was a bit surprised when I saw this one. It's very pretty though. As I said before, I like all of the Eeveelutions!

Since I like all of these little guys so much, I hope more Eeveelutions are added soon. It's been too long since we've gotten a new one! I hope you all agree!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Today's blog post will be about a Yokai called Yuki Onna. Just a little warning first though. This post can get a bit dark or creepy in some parts. So, proceed with caution if you get scared easily. Now then, on with the post! This Yokai actually inspired the Pokémon Froslass, and the Yokai Frostina from Yokai Watch. She is commonly depicted as being the soul of a women who froze to death in a snow storm. They are said to haunt the mountain they perished on, too. They are supposed to have unearthly beauty, and their skin is supposed to be extremely cold. Their skin is also as white as the snow, and they have long black hair. Although the natures of these Yokai vary, they are usually said to kill unknowing people wandering on their mountain by freezing them or leading them astray. However, some will also let people go. Depending on the circumstances, that is. Even though this Yokai has inspired many characters in Anime, I don't think I would want to meet her in person! The stories of this Yokai are still quite interesting, though.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Magikarp Jump app. Now I know I'm a bit late for this trend, so I found a website and made this:

Because I also just recently found about this Slowpoke meme, I also made this one:

Anyways, on with the actual blog post. Magikarp Jump is actually a pretty fun game. In this game, you get to raise your own Magikarp up to a certain level before it retires. You do this by feeding it berries, and by training it. You can use it for jumping competitions too. You can also catch a new Magikarp every time the other one retires. After catching a new Magikarp, you can give it a name. Different Magikarp also have different patterns. However, your old Magikarp will stay in the pond with the new one as well. Other Pokémon, such as Pikachu and Piplup, will also stay around your pond. They will come to the jumping competitions and occasionally cheer for your Magikarp too. You can also earns coins or diamonds (which are the currency for the game) through achievements, jumping competitions, or finding them as well. You can then buy items, berries, or training equipment, along with a few other things. All in all, this game is actually quite fun. I would also like to recommend checking this game out! If you haven't already, that is.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Upon reading about Pokémon some and wearing my Pikachu shirt, I suddenly randomly remembered Pokémon Go. So, I decided to play it. The app revealed an update when I opened it. When the update finally finished, there were several newly added things in the app. So, I will be telling you what I found in this post. I guess I'll make this into a list too, so on with the listing part!

1.) I noticed a new weather feature that effects which Pokémon are easier to find based on their type and what the weather is like in your area. This also effects which Pokémon are stronger based on the current weather, and it gives you more Stardust when you catch a Pokémon whose type matches the weather. The current real-life weather outside also appears in the game as well.

2.) There are multiple new Pokémon available to catch from the Hoenn region!

3.) There are new shirts, pants, shoes, hats, and a new bag for your trainer.

4.) Groudon is currently the legendary Pokémon available in the game.

5.) You can now create battle parties to use for raids or gym battles. This allows you to create a team of up to six Pokémon to use for it.

I think that's all I've noticed that was added to it so far, so I hope this helps you guys out!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Today's blog post will be about an Anime called Kemono Friends. I had first heard about this Anime quite a while ago, but I wasn't really interested in watching it then. Upon seeing it mentioned multiple times in the past few days, I finally got curious enough to watch it. After watching a few episodes, I can honestly say that this is a good Anime. It has a rather unique CG animation style, and the characters are quite cute as well. It also has a good storyline, too. This show is about humanoid type animals called Friends, and it centers mostly around Serval and Kaban as they travel through various parts of Japari Park. This Anime is actually very popular, and it's known to be one of the biggest Anime shows of 2017! It currently has 12 episodes, and it's available English subbed on Crunchyroll. Although it seems like a somewhat strange concept for a show, it's actually quite good. I would also like to recommend checking this show out, since it's a cute and fun show to watch. If you want to see what some of the characters from Kemono Friends look like, here's a picture for it:

From left to right, this picture has Jaguar, Otter, Serval, and Kaban in it.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

As you guys may know, I mentioned Mega Evolution in one of my other blog posts. However, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon has come out recently as well. So for today's post I will be combining them to bring you five dark Pokedex entries for Mega Evolution from Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon. Now then, on to the list!

1.) Mega Salamence - Although it's new Pokedex Entries aren't as bad as they were in the original Sun and Moon, the new Pokedex entry in Ultra Sun is still pretty dark. It says "The stress of its two proud wings becoming misshapen and stuck together because of strong energy makes it go on a rampage."

2.) Mega Sableye - This Pokémon's Pokedex entry also comes from the Ultra Sun Pokedex. Its entry says "Bathed in the energy of Mega Evolution, the gemstone on its chest expands, rips through its skin, and falls out."

3.) Mega Houndoom - Here is another example of a Pokémon being injured by Mega Evolution. Its Ultra Sun entry reads "Its red claws and tips of its tail are melting from high internal temperatures that are painful to Houndoom itself."

4.) Mega Absol - This one's Pokedex entry actually comes from Ultra Moon. It says "It converts the energy from Mega Evolution into an intimidating aura. Fainthearted people expire from shock at the sight of it."

5.) Mega Banette - This last one isn't as bad as some of the other ones are, but I still think it's kind of messed up anyways. Its Ultra Sun entry says "Extraordinary energy amplifies its cursing power to such an extent that it can't help but curse its own trainer."

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Magikarp from Pokémon. Magikarp is a water type Pokémon, and it can evolve into Gyarados. This Pokémon is actually quite well-known, but it's because of how weak it is. All Magikarp can do is splash, and it can be found nearly anywhere when you go fishing. The only other thing it can do is jump. It does jump high occasionally, but that's about all it can do. Although it can also evolve into the powerful Pokémon Gyarados, it takes quite a while for it to actually evolve. However, it is said that this Pokémon used to be very strong in ancient times, but the Magikarp of today are much weaker. This Pokémon is extremely resilient though, which is why it can be found in so many different locations. As a little bonus, I found this Magikarp song. Here is the link for it:

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

It's blog post time again! For today's post I actually have some Pokémon news for you guys. Although I found out about this yesterday, I had already finished my blog post by then. So, I had to wait until today to do this post. Anyways, on with the news! If you guys don't already know about this, Ash has received yet another new design. This one is for the upcoming Pokémon movie that is set to be released in 2018. Although the design was just announced recently, it's already been getting a lot of hate. However, I personally don't understand why. Even though it's not the same as most of the other Pokémon generations, it's still a nice design for Ash. I also think it's a major step up from the most recent Sun and Moon Anime. Don't get me wrong, I have watched Sun and moon, and I like it as a whole. I just don't like the art style they used for Ash and Team Rocket. Anyways, I will also include a picture of what Ash will look like in the new movie below. I would also like to say that you shouldn't let my opinions on his new look effect your thoughts about it. I just wanted to tell you guys the news and what my thoughts are on it!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Well guys, I'm back with another theory! Hopefully it'll be a bit better than my last one. Anyways, today's theory will be about Yu-Gi-Oh. Or rather, it's about Yugi Muto. Now then, onto the actual theory part! I think Yugi is actually stronger than most people think, and I have proof for this theory! The proof is actually the Millennium Puzzle. Throughout the Anime (and the manga), you can see Yugi wearing the Millennium Puzzle. If the Puzzle is actually the same weight as gold, then that would already make it pretty heavy on its own. But, if the Puzzle is actually lighter than gold (since it's technically not made from actual gold), then that wouldn't serve as solid proof. However after a while of wearing the puzzle on its original rope, Yugi switched it out for a heavy duty chain so it would be harder for someone to take. As more evidence, Yugi spends practically the whole Anime wearing the Puzzle, and he doesn't look tired from wearing it at all. So even if the Millennium Puzzle itself is light, the chain he uses for it must be quite heavy on its own. Seeing as how the original Anime has been over for a while, we probably won't get any solid evidence for this theory. But, I have still included a couple pictures of Yugi wearing the Puzzle on both the rope and the chain to help support my theory. I'll also leave Yugi in tact for any fans of him that might see this. Enjoy!

In this picture you can clearly see that the Puzzle is on a rope.
However, you can see here that he switched it to a chain.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be listing five upbeat Vocaloid duets that I like, along with their links. Although they aren't necessarily my favorite songs, I do love a catchy upbeat song! So, on with the list!

1.) Drop Pop Candy by Megurine Luka and Rin Kagamine

2.) Chocolate Box by Rin and Len Kagamine

3.) Childish War by Rin and Len Kagamine

4.) Happy Synthesizer by Gumi and Mugurine Luka

5.) Yi Er (1 2) Fanclub by Hatsune Miku and Len Kagamine

I hope these songs brighten up your day! Enjoy!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Today's blog post is about shiny Pokémon, which are obviously from Pokémon. So, what are shiny Pokémon? Well, these Pokémon are rare Pokémon that are a different color than they're supposed to be. Although they are very popular, they're actually very hard to find and capture. Even though these are usually found in the game, there have been a few shiny Pokémon that have appeared in the Anime as well. Well it is quite hard to find a shiny Pokémon in general, it's even harder to find a shiny legendary Pokémon. If you want to see an example of what a shiny Pokémon is, I have included a picture of a shiny Gyarados from the Pokémon Anime down below. Enjoy!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Today's blog post is about Mega Evolution from Pokémon. This concept was originally introduced in Pokémon X & Y. Mega Evolution is a temporary state that makes a Pokémon very strong. It's also a popular battle tactic because it makes the Pokémon so strong. However, the whole idea of Mega Evolution took a darker turn with the added Pokedex entries in Pokémon Sun and Moon. Mega Evolution was originally just a way of making a Pokémon stronger, but now it seems this temporary evolution brings immense physical or emotional pain to Pokémon. Because of all of the excess energy that Mega Evolution causes, a Pokémon that Mega Evolves is seriously hurt. For example, Mega Glalie's Pokedex entry mentions that its jaw gets broken from all of the excess energy. Mega Lucario's Pokedex entry also states that it attacks its foes heartlessly in its Mega Evolution form. Because of things like this, many people are saying that Mega Evolution is dark and evil. After reading many of the Mega Evolution Pokedex entries myself, I must admit that I agree with them!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

As I stated in yesterday's blog post, I will tell you my second favorite Vocaloid in today's post. So here's the moment you might have been waiting for! Drumroll please! My second favorite Vocaloid is.... Kamui Gakupo! Ta da! Anyways, I will also include five songs sung by him in today's post, along with their links. Oddly enough, I don't know of very many solo songs by him. So as a result, some of these songs might be covers, and some of them might have one or two Vocaloids with him. Now then, on with the post!

1.) Stainless Moon
(Bonus fact! This was the first Kamui Gakupo song I ever heard. I really like the way his voice sounds in this song, too.)

2.) Super Turkish March Owata (This song has Miku and Rin singing in the background)

3.) Bad Apple

4.) Rolling Girl

5.) Nice To Meet You, Mr.Earthling

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

As you guys may or may not know, Kaito is my all time favorite Vocaloid. So, I always go to find a Kaito cover of a song if I like it. For today's blog post, I will be listing five Kaito covers (and their links) that I really like. However, I would like to mention that I will be revealing my second favorite Vocaloid (along with some songs by them) for tomorrow's post. Now then, on with the post!

1.) +Reverse
(As a little bonus fact for you guys, I would like to mention that +Reverse is actually the first song I ever heard Kaito sing! It's also partially the whole reason I like Kaito, since I really like the way his voice sounds in this song.)

2.) Anonymous

3.) Slow Motion

4.) Tale Of The Deep Sea Lily

5.) Yume Yume

*Bonus Song*

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Today's blog post will be a list of my top 5 favorite Pokémon from the Alola region, along with a short comment on why I like each one. However, I will not be including the Tapus or either of the legendary Pokémon, since that wouldn't be fair. But, I will count the Alolan forms of Pokémon, considering the fact that they are still Pokémon that are native to the Alola region. Now then, on with the post!

1.) Alolan Vulpix - This Pokémon is so cute, I think I might even like it more than the original one!

2.) Rowlet - I already like owls, so there was a good chance I would like this Pokémon. It's evolutions are also pretty cool, too.

3.) Togedemaru - Since I already like the rodent-like electric type Pokémon, it was just a matter of time before I liked this little guy. Plus, it looks like a hedgehog!

4.) Mimikyu - There's no way this little guy wouldn't end up on this list. With his cute design and mysterious back story, I immediately liked it!

5.) Litten - I'm actually not sure why I like Litten so much. It's just a cute Pokémon, and it's got a pretty cool personality.

Well, that's the end of this list. There are other Pokémon I would've included here, but I think these ones are my favorite ones from the Alola region. So, there you have it! Those are my top 5 favorite Alolan Pokémon!

Monday, December 4, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be listing the official heights, weights, and ages of Hatsune Miku, Rin and Len Kagamine, and Megurine Luka. Unfortunately, Kaito and Meiko still currently don't have official heights, weights, or ages. So, they won't be included on this list. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Hatsune Miku:
Age: 16
Height: 5 ft. 2 in.
Weight: 92 pounds

2.) Rin Kagamine:
Age: 14
Height: 5 ft.
Weight: 94 pounds

3.) Len Kagamine:
Age: 14
Height: 5 ft. 1 in.
Weight: 103 pounds

4.) Megurine Luka:
Age: 20
Height: 5 ft. 4 in.
Weight: 99 pounds

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Mimikyu from Pokémon. Although I know I already did a blog post about Mimikyu, this one will be more like a theory. As you may know, Mimikyu is a very mysterious little Pokémon. While it is already a small Pokémon, it's actually smaller than its disguise as well. But, why does Mimikyu need a disguise? I know it's so people don't see it's real form, but why? From what we've seen of Mimikyu's true form so far, it's more or less just a shadow. His shadowy form is very similar to the shadows that are on the Pokémon Ghastly as well. However, Mimikyu's form seems to also have some sort of uncontrollable power that causes people to be extremely frightened when they see it. Or it at least causes someone to see something that frightens them. We can see this happening to Meowth when he peeks under Mimikyu's disguise. It also seems that this happens whenever someone sees his true form, since Meowth was still scared by it even when it was under water. However, with the little information we have about his true form, there's no way to tell what causes people to be frightened by it. Unfortunately, it looks like we most likely won't be getting any new information about this mysterious power that Mimikyu has for a while either. But, hopefully we'll get some answers about it soon! Especially since so many people are curious about it!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

For the past few days, I have been playing a game called Undertale. Although the game doesn't use Anime art styles and it is an American game, it does reference Anime and manga several times. So for today's blog post, I will be listing three Anime references from the game. However, I would like to recommend this game before I start the list. I personally enjoy playing this game very much, and I can play it for hours without getting bored! Now that I've said that, on with the list!

This first reference is a monster called Tsunderplane that you might encounter. This one is obviously referencing tsunderes, since the plane even says things that a tsundere would normally say.

This next reference is from Alphys' lab. Because Alphys herself likes Anime, there are multiple references for it in her lab. This includes manga, figurines, and two large Anime posters on the walls of the second floor.

This last one is another monster named Onionsan. This one is pretty obvious too, since here he has an Anime-like facial expression. However, it's also because the last part of his name includes the Japanese honorific -san, which is often used in Anime.

Friday, December 1, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be discussing Yami's height. Yes, the same Yami from the well-known original Yu-Gi-Oh series. While watching the show, it's rather obvious that Yami is actually a few inches taller than Yugi. However, Yami and Yugi are stated to both be around the same height. Although this is a small detail, I still find it odd that Yami and Yugi would have the same height even though Yami remains a few inches taller than Yugi throughout the series. Nevertheless, this is not a very important detail to the show, since the show can still be enjoyed without knowing exactly how tall Yami is. In my opinion, he is somewhere between 5 foot 2 to 5 foot 3. This estimate is considering the fact that he's taller than Yugi (who's around 5 foot), but shorter than Tea (who's around 5 foot 5). But whatever height he is, he's still a great character!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be giving my very first review. If you play Mystic Messenger, you've most likely heard 707 talk about Honey Buddha Chips. Although the name used in the game is fabricated, they are based on real chips called Honey Butter Chips. These chips are actually very popular in Korea and Japan. However, they are actually a bit harder to find here in America. Nevertheless, I managed to get a bag of them from Amazon. So, that's what I'll be reviewing with this post. Now onto the reviewing part! Although Honey Butter Chips sound like a strange flavor combination, they are actually very good! The chips taste a lot like honey, but they don't taste like honey exclusively. Even though they are good on their own, they do taste a lot better with Dr.Pepper too. The taste itself is rather hard to explain, but the chips do taste really good! I would also like to recommend eating them with Dr.Pepper, especially if you want to know exactly what 707 was so addicted to!

I would also like to add that this is just my opinion on the chips. If you try them yourself and don't like them, I'm sorry! I just personally like them.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

If you've been in the Anime and manga community for a while (or even if you're new to it), you've most likely heard an Anime or manga character be called a "trap". But, what is a trap exactly? Well, that's what this post is here to tell you! Simply put, a trap is a character that looks very convincingly like the opposite gender. Although it is mostly used to refer to boys, it is also occasionally used for girls as well. A trap will usually dress like the opposite gender as well. Unfortunately (for this blog post, not for me), I have not seen more than one or two Anime shows with a trap in it. So, I will use Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler as an example for this. Enjoy!

As a bonus, here's a picture of what Ciel normally looks like.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

As a Yokai Watch fan myself, I am always eagerly awaiting new content, especially for the Anime. However, it's also hard to have to wait for it to come to America, since I prefer the English dubbed versions. Currently, there are 2 seasons of the Anime and one of the movies available in English. But, this can be rather discouraging. Especially since there are currently 2 seasons of the show, and 3 movies for it in Japan. Although that doesn't seem like a huge difference, the two seasons we have in America were actually just one season in Japan. Now I understand that it takes time to dub the episodes and movies, but the second Yokai Watch movie came out over a year ago. Unfortunately, all we can do is wait for Disney XD to dub and release the episodes and movies themselves. Hopefully we'll get new episodes, or maybe even the second movie, soon!

Monday, November 27, 2017

I know I have done multiple blog posts about Yokai before, most of which were from the show Yokai Watch. However, I have not yet made a post about what a Yokai is. So, that's what today's post will be about. To start with, Yokai are beings that come from Japanese folklore. There are a lot of different types of Yokai, and they can be supernatural monsters, demons, or spirits. Yokai can also appear to be humanoid beings, like a Yuki Onna or an Ame Onna. But, not all of them are like this. There are also some animal type Yokai as well, like the Nekomata (a two-tailed cat Yokai) or the Ogama (a toad Yokai). There can even be Yokai that were once items, such as the Karakasa Obake (a Yokai that was once a parasol). Some Yokai are harmless as well, and some can even bring good luck. But, other Yokai can be quite mischievous or even dangerous. There are more facts about Yokai I could list here, but the information I gave above is pretty much the basic knowledge about what a Yokai is, so I'll end it here. I hope this post helps you guys understand Yokai better!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The blog post for today is about Banette from Pokémon. Banette is a ghost type Pokémon, and it evolves from Shuppet. It can also temporarily turn into Mega Banette. This Pokémon was originally nothing more than a plush doll. But after it was thrown away, cursed energy caused it to turn into a Pokémon. It also holds a grudge against the child who disowned it. Banette can generate energy for laying strong curses as well. It does this by sticking pins into its body. If Banette ever opened its mouth, all of its cursed energy would escape. However, some say that it will turn back into a plush doll if it is treated nicely.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Since I talked about a creepy new Pokémon Sun And Moon Pokedex entry for a Pokémon from a previous generation for yesterday's post, I will be talking about a creepy Pokedex entry for an Alolan Pokémon for today's post. That Pokémon will be Shiinotic. This Pokémon looks pretty cute and harmless, but the Pokedex entries for it prove otherwise. The first entry for it is creepy enough, since it says "Forests where Shiinotic live are treacherous at night. People confused by its strange lights can never find their way home again.". But if that wasn't creepy enough for you, the second Pokedex entry is even creepier as it states "It emits flickering spores that cause drowsiness. When its prey succumb to sleep, this Pokémon feeds on them by sucking in their energy.". So although this Pokémon looks pretty harmless, I wouldn't want to run into it! Especially not at night!

Friday, November 24, 2017

As you guys may know, some of the new Pokedex entries in Pokémon Sun And Moon are rather dark. However, this doesn't just apply to the Alolan Pokémon, since some of the Pokémon from other Pokémon generations also got a creepy new Pokedex entry. So for today's blog post, I will be talking about one of the Pokémon that got a new Pokedex entry. That Pokémon is Drifloon. In previous Pokémon games, it was hinted at the fact that children may go missing if they hold onto it. But, it never explained why they went missing. Well, we got the answer to that unasked question in Pokémon Sun And Moon. Its new entry states "Stories go that it grabs the hands of small children and drags them away to the afterlife. It dislikes heavy children". As a bonus, if for some reason you ever wondered what would happen if a Drifloon popped, we also got the answer to that question with the other Pokémon Sun And Moon Pokedex entry. That entry says "If for some reason its body bursts, its soul spills out with a screaming sound". So there you have it, now you know the answers to two questions you may or may not have been wondering about. You're welcome.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

It's Thanksgiving, and you know what that means! Another special blog post for the holiday! But, there's a small catch. Since Thanksgiving is an American holiday, there aren't really an Anime episodes or movies that include it. So, here are some Anime Thanksgiving Day pictures instead. Enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving!

I would also like to say once again that none of these pictures I use are mine, I usually find them through Google or other sources. So if the original artist or owner of a picture I use finds this, I'm not trying to steal your art! I only use it because I like it! Thank you!


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Today's blog post will be about the show Bananya. Bananya is a series of shorts that are centered around cats that live in bananas called Bananyas. The show follows them while they go about their daily lives. It's a rather laid back show, and it uses a very cute art style. (At least it does in my opinion.) At the end of each episode, the narrator talks about one of the Bananyas from the show. There are currently 12 different Bananyas. Their names are Bananya, Tabby Bananya, Bananyako, Black Bananya, Long-Haired Bananya, Mackerel Bananya, Daddy Bananya, Baby Bananya, Calico Bananya, and Bananya Bunch (which are actually three Bananyas). This show is only available on Crunchyroll, and it is also only English subbed as of right now. Although cats living in bananas seems like a strange concept, the show is actually a rather cute show to watch. I would also like to recommend this show, since it's quite fun to watch. Besides, the episodes are only a few minutes long each, so they don't take up a lot of time!

Plus, look at how cute these little guys are!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A few months ago, it was revealed that there are actually three different Lycanroc forms in Pokémon Sun and Moon. These forms are the Midday form, the Midnight form, and the recently revealed Dusk form. So for today's blog post, I will be discussing the possibility of a fourth Lycanroc form. Since there are forms for almost every other part of the day now, I think there is a high chance of there being a possible Dawn form of Lycanroc. Also, since the Dusk form looks more like the Midday form, the Dawn form would most likely look more like the Midnight form. Since only the Dusk form has been revealed so far, a Dawn form of Lycanroc would most likely have to be added to the games later. Of course, it would be easier to simply reveal it in the Anime first. I suppose this can count as my first theory on this blog, so please feel free to leave a comment and tell me your thoughts on this topic. I would love to know what you guys think of it!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Since yesterday's blog post was about the Vocaloid ZeeU, today's blog post will be about the Vocaloid SeeU. SeeU is a Korean Vocaloid that is distributed by SBS A&T Co., Ltd.. She is also a bilingual Vocaloid who can sing in both Korean and Japanese. She is 17 years old, and she weighs 98 pounds. She is also 5 feet 3 inches tall. However, she doesn't have an official personality. She also isn't quite as popular as some of the other Vocaloids are. If you want to hear a song sung by SeeU, here's a link for one:

Since I also included a picture of ZeeU in yesterday's post, here is a picture of SeeU for today's post:

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The blog post for today will be about the Vocaloid ZeeU. ZeeU is the official genderbend of the Vocaloid SeeU. He was even officially recognized by SBS A&T Co., LTD. Although there was already a genderbend of SeeU named SeeWoo (or USee), ZeeU is the official one. But, he does not seem to have an official personality, age, weight, or height. He also currently doesn't have an official voicebank. However, he does still have his own voice, which is derived from SeeU's voice. If you would like to hear a song sung by ZeeU, here is a link for one:

As an added bonus, I have also included a picture of ZeeU. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Today's blog post will be about the RFA party in Mystic Messenger. The RFA party is one of the most important parts of a route. It happens at the very end of a route, and it is the last event for a route. The party also takes place as a visual novel. Although the events that take place at the party differ depending on which route it is, the route usually ends with the MC attending the party. The e-mails sent and received before the party will determine which guests end up attending it. After the party is completed, the route will be over. This clears the messages and phone calls so the player can choose a different route. However, the messages will be moved to the history section on the main screen. After the party, the After Ending for that route will be unlocked. Although the chat room before the party has to be completed before the party starts, the actual party itself can be completed at any point in time after it starts at noon.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Today's blog post will be about the show Blood Lad. Blood Lad is a ten episode Anime that is based on the manga of the same name. The show centers around a vampire named Staz Charlie Blood. However, he would rather watch Anime, read manga, and play video games all day, despite being the leader of his territory. When a Japanese girl named Fuyumi Yanagi somehow wanders into the Demon World, Staz is thrilled to meet a human from the place where his favorite things came from! But, this is short-lived, as she is killed by a monster not long after her arrival! This ended up turning her into a ghost. So, Staz vows to bring her back to life. This show is a comedy show with some action mixed in as well. Even though it only lasted for one season, I would still recommend this show. It's actually a good Anime!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

One of the most popular pairings for Vocaloid songs are Rin and Len Kagamine. This is because their voices match nicely, and because they were released together. So, for today's blog post, I will be listing five songs sung by both Rin and Len Kagamine, along with the links for each song. Now then, onto the listing part!

1.) Love-Hate

2.) RinRin Signal

3.) Remote Controller

4.) To The End Of Infinity

5.) Gemini

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Hey hey, it's blog post time! For today's post I will be talking about Anime openings and theme songs. The openings and theme songs are actually quite important to the show, since it basically sets the whole mood for the show. Some Anime have multiple openings that change after a season or story arc ends, like with Naruto Shippuden and Fairy Tail. But, other Anime shows only have one theme song because of how short the series is. Nonetheless, the opening and song still somehow sets the mood and story for the show in one way or another. Some openings are also more well-known, such as the Attack On Titan and Evangelion theme songs. This ends up making them easily recognizable, even to people who don't watch the show.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Today's blog post will be about the four panel comics from the book Deathnote 13: How To Read. The four panel comics are a small section in the book, and they are only there for comedic purposes. Each one also follows its own story, so it doesn't effect the other ones. There are four of these comics, and each one has three sections. Before these comics, there are also character introductions for Light Yagami, L, Misa Amane, and Ryuk. This is because their personalities in these comics are a bit different from their personalities in the original Anime and manga series. If you want to know what the character introductions for them are, I will include them below.

Light: The chosen brainiac with a knack for funny comments. His serious demeanor makes him the butt of jokes.

L: Holder of the world's greatest mind and the powerful ability to act like a fool. It's like he was born to be mocked.

Misa: Along with Sayu, one of the two heroines of our story. Check out her sexiness, which has received a power boost compared to the main series.

Ryuk: A weird guy with a passion for apples. He may be the character that's least different from his series version.

Monday, November 13, 2017

If you haven't noticed, Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka often sing songs together. This is most likely because their voices match up so well. So, here are five songs sung by Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka, along with the links for each one. Here we go!

1.) World's End Dancehall

2.) Master Of Puppets

3.) Deja Vu

4.) Akatsuki Arrival

5.) Slump

Sunday, November 12, 2017

For today's blog post, I will listing my top five favorite Megurine Luka songs as of right now. I will also be including the links for each of them as well. Now then, on with the post!

1.) A Single Red Leaf

2.) Palette

3.) Just Be Friends

4.) Double Lariat

5.) Luka Luka Night Fever

*Bonus Song*

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Today's blog post is about guests in the Mystic Messenger app. Guests are a very important part of the game, and it's important to try to get as many guests as possible to attend the party on the last day of the route. To get a guest to attend the party, you must first respond correctly to all of their e-mails. If an e-mail isn't answered correctly, the guest may not attend the party. The guest will also only attend the party if the e-mail says completed on it. If the guest attends the party, their information will be available in the guest list. It will also have an RFA comment available with the information, which also includes an hourglass if you look at it. Some of the guests are only available in certain routes as well.

Friday, November 10, 2017

As you may know, Mitchie M is a well-known artist in the Vocaloid community. There are even multiple Mitchie M songs in the Project Diva games! So, today's post will be a list of five of my favorite Mitchie M songs, along with their links. Here we go!

1.) Viva Happy by Hatsune Miku

2.) Ageage Again by Hatsune Miku

3.) Freely Tomorrow by Hatsune Miku

4.) Ai Dee by Hatsune Miku and Megurine Luka

5.) Narcissism Kawaism by Hatsune Miku

*Bonus Song*

Ohedo Julia-Night by Hatsune Miku and Kaito

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Why was Kagerou Daze the only song without English subtitles in Project Diva F 2nd? Well, I'm here to answer that question! As you may know, Project Diva F 2nd was rated T for Teen. This is because of songs like Sweet Devil that have "suggestive themes", and because of things like the sake set which counts as an alcohol reference. Because of this, Kagerou Daze wasn't given English subtitles to more or less "censor" the song so the rating didn't get changed to a higher one. This happened because the song has mild gore references as it states how the person gets killed every time they have to restart the day, mentioning things like blood splattering and such. It's still a good song, though. So if you want to hear the song Kagerou Daze (which is by Hatsune Miku), here is a link for it:

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Yokai powers from the show Yokai Watch. If you've watched the show Yokai Watch, I can almost guarantee that you know what Yokai powers are. But, I'm still going to make this post anyways for the people who don't know. Anyways, on with the post! Each Yokai has a different Yokai power. These powers are also unique to that Yokai. Much like how Hungramps can make people hungry, or how Blazion can make people get excited and competitive over everything. But, certain Yokai can also neutralize another Yokai's power if their power cancels it out. This can be seen with Yokai like Happierre and Dismarelda, and Yokai like Drizzelda and Ray O' Light. Yokai can use this power to inspirit one person, or they can use it to inspirit a place. It all depends on what type of power that Yokai has.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

For yesterday's blog post, I made a full list of all of the available songs in Project Diva X. So for today's blog post I will be giving my thoughts on the song list, more or less. As you may have noticed, the majority of the songs in Project Diva X were either Hatsune Miku songs, or she was included in the song. Even the available extra songs that could be purchased for the game were simply more Miku songs. So, why are there so many Miku songs? Although Hatsune Miku is very popular, the other Vocaloids in Project Diva are also very popular. Even though some people may argue that the game is called Hatsune Miku Project Diva X, that is most likely only because she is the most well-known Vocaloid and is therefor easier to find. Although the other Vocaloids didn't get nearly as many songs as Miku in the other Project Diva games as well, they still got a number of songs for themselves. Two of the Vocaloids in Project Diva X (Meiko and Kaito) didn't even get a solo song like the others! As a Kaito fan myself, I was very disappointed to find that he only appeared in two of the songs. Neither of which were a solo song, and only one of which featured him as the lead. I know that Miku is basically the mascot for Crypton Future Media, and Vocaloids in general, but fans of the other Vocaloids aren't going to want to play a game that is practically centered around only her. Other than this, I do think that Project Diva X is a good game, and I have played it myself. I would also still recommend it for Vocaloid fans, too. I am just disappointed to see Hatsune Miku get most of the songs in the game.

Monday, November 6, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be listing each of the songs from the game Project Diva X. I will also be including which cloud the songs are from. Now then, on with the post!

Classic Cloud:

1.) The First Sound by Hatsune Miku

2.) Love Song by Hatsune Miku

3.) Satisfaction by Hatsune Miku

4.) Name Of The Sin By Hatsune Miku

Cute Cloud:

1.) Tale Of The Deep Sea Lily by Hatsune Miku

2.) LOL -lots of laugh- by Hatsune Miku

3.) Even A Kunoichi Needs Love by Hatsune Miku and Rin Kagamine

4.) Patchwork Staccato by Hatsune Miku

5.) Love Trial by Hatsune Miku

Cool Cloud:

1.) Strangers by Hatsune Miku

2.) Raspberry * Monster by Hatsune Miku

3.) The Lost One's Weeping by Rin Kagamine

4.) Calc. by Hatsune Miku

5.) Solitary Envy by Hatsune Miku

Elegant Cloud:

1.) Brain Revolution Girl by Hatsune Miku

2.) Holy Lance Explosion Boy by Len Kagamine

3.) A Single Red Leaf by Megurine Luka

4.) Amazing Dolce by Meiko, Rin Kagamine, and Len Kagamine

5.) Ai Dee by Megurine Luka and Hatsune Miku

Quirky Cloud:

1.) Slow Motion by Hatsune Miku

2.) Humorous Dream Of Mrs.Pumpkin by Hatsune Miku

3.) Streaming Heart by Hatsune Miku

4.) Babylon by Hatsune Miku

5.) Urotander, Underhanded Rangers by Kaito, Meiko, and Hatsune Miku

Extra Songs:

1.) Sharing The World by Hatsune Miku

2.) Hand In Hand by Hatsune Miku


1.) Beginning Medley - Primary Colors by Hatsune Miku, Rin and Len Kagamine, Megurine Luka, Kaito, and Meiko

2.) Cute Medley - Idol Sounds by Hatsune Miku

3.) Cool Medley - Cyber Rock Jam by Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, and Rin Kagamine

4.) Elegant Medley - Glossy Mixture by Meiko, Hatsune Miku, and Megurine Luka

5.) Quirky Medley - Giga Remix by Hatsune Miku and Rin and Len Kagamine

6.) Ending Medley - Ultimate Exquisite Rampage by Hatsune Miku

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Are the Vocaloids Rin and Len Kagamine twins? Well, some Vocaloid fans say they are, and some say they aren't. Even though I consider them to be twins, that doesn't mean they are. This is because they have never been officially announced as twins. However, they do look alike (aside from their different genders). They also have the same number, the same last name, and they were released together. Despite this, people still say that they are not twins, and that they are actually just mirror images of each other. Although I personally think they are twins, I don't mind if other people think they aren't. So, I guess it just depends on what you yourself think they are. Besides, there are a lot of great songs that came from people thinking of them as not being brother and sister!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Elizabeth 3rd from the Mystic Messenger app. Yes, Elizabeth 3rd is Jumin's cat. But, she's still an important part of the game. Kind of. Anyways, on with the post! As I said before, Elizabeth 3rd is Jumin's cat, and he loves her very much. The only time Jumin doesn't think about only his cat (or his work) is when the player is on his route. 707 also likes Elizabeth 3rd very much, and he often shortens her name to just Elly. However, Jumin doesn't let Seven see her because he claims that he abuses her. Despite this, Elizabeth 3rd herself rarely appears in the game. Aside from pictures, Jumin's route, and conversations about her, that is. For no reason whatsoever (other than to show you what she looks like), I have also included a picture of Elizabeth 3rd down below. So, enjoy!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Well, it's time once again for a new blog post! For today's post, I will be talking about Nico Nico Douga. What is Nico Nico Douga you may ask? Well, if you're part of the Vocaloid community, you've most likely heard of it before. Nico Nico Douga is a popular Japanese website where people can upload their Vocaloid songs. Although it's not just for Vocaloid songs, it's still very popular within the Vocaloid community. There are thousands to millions of Vocaloid songs uploaded on Nico Nico Douga, too. There are even some songs for hard to find Vocaloids, like the Vocaloid band Ice Mountain. If you would like to check this website out yourself, here is a link to the Vocaloid page for it:

Thursday, November 2, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be discussing a possible Unknown route for Mystic Messenger. Although people were skeptical of an Unknown route happening before, there is now hope for the Mystic Messenger fans because of the recently added V route. But the question now is if Unknown should get his own route. As many fans know, Unknown is the character with the least interactions with the MC in the game. I'm sure there are more interactions with him with the added V route. But I'm not counting that as of right now, since I'm trying to make a point. Although Unknown is the main antagonist, there are still a lot of people who like him. Even though he's not personally my favorite character, I would still like to see what a route with him would be like. I also think a route with him would be very interesting, since the MC would get more interactions with him, and because they would get to see his side of the story. If you guys have any thoughts on this topic that you would like to add, feel free to leave a comment on this post!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

For today's blog post I will be listing my personal top ten favorite Yokai from Yokai Watch as of right now. Here we go!

1.) Jibanyan

2.) Whisper

3.) Venoct

4.) Kyubi

5.) Komasan

6.) Komajiro

7.) Toadal Dude

8.) Arachnus

9.) Blazion

10.) Hidabat

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

As you may know (at least I hope you do), today is Halloween. So to celebrate this, I will be listing three Yokai with spooky origins, along with three creepy Vocaloid songs. Enjoy! Happy Halloween!

1.) Yuki Onna- A Yuki Onna is unbelievably beautiful. But, she is often the soul of someone who died in the snow. She also feeds on the life force of humans.

2.) Nekomata- This is a type of cat yokai with a split tail. Some of them have the ability to curse humans or control the dead with their tails like a puppet on a string.

3.) Hanako-San- She is said to be the ghost of a little girl who haunts school bathrooms. However, she is either thought of to be friendly, mischievous, or a monstrous entity only posing as a little girl.

Vocaloid Songs:

1.) Here Comes Karakasa-San by Len Kagamine:

2.) Close And Open, Demons And The Dead by Hatsune Miku:

3.) Humorous Dream Of Mrs.Pumpkin by Hatsune Miku:

Monday, October 30, 2017

What is a dakimakura? Well, that's what I'm going to be telling you with this blog post! A dakimakura is a type of large pillow from Japan, and the name roughly translates to "hug pillow". But, they are usually just called body pillows. The most common type of this pillow in the Anime community are the pillows that have pictures of Anime characters on them. However, these particular ones are usually just covers for the pillow itself. Despite this, these pillows are still very popular with otakus, and it isn't rare to see Anime YouTubers or fans with one or more of these pillows.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Instead of my usual blog posts, today's blog post will be my opinions on an Anime topic. Today's topic is about the Yu-Gi-Oh English dub. Many fans enjoy the voices used in the English dub, but it also gets a lot of hate because of how many things 4Kids changed. They actually changed quite a bit of things in the English version, including the removal of all guns, and even the age of the Pharaoh (which was changed from 3000+ years to 5000+ years). However, Funimation did release another uncut English dub. This version still had the same voice acting, but it was more like the original version of the show. There were only 9 episodes dubbed like this though, despite its popularity. Okay, time for my opinion on it! Although I very much like the English dub, I also don't like how many things were changed for it. I personally think that the uncut version with the original English voice actors should continue so the fans can choose if they want to watch the 4Kids version or not. Especially since one of the main complaints I see about this is how the fans like the English voices, but they also like the original storyline for it. If you guys have any thoughts on this as well, feel free to leave some comments on here!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

It's blog post time again! As you guys may know, some of the Pokedex entries in Pokémon Sun And Moon are actually quite dark as opposed to previous Pokémon games. So, today's list will be about 5 Alolan Pokémon with some of the darkest Pokedex entries (including the descriptions on the official Sun And Moon website). According to me, that is. Here we go!

1.) Palossand - The fact that this Pokémon sucks the life force from other Pokémon is already pretty dark. But if Palossand's Pokedex entry wasn't already dark enough, the picture below can also be found on Pokémon's official website for Sun And Moon.

2.) Mimkyu- Although Mimikyu is favored by a lot of people, it's still pretty creepy that you can't look under its disguise without something bad happening.
3.) Bounsweet- Even though the Pokémon itself is cute and practically harmless, the entry for it is still pretty dark. Especially since it points out that Bounsweet often gets swallowed whole by Pokémon drawn to its sweet smell.
4.) Bewear- Ah yes, the cute, cuddly, immensely strong Pokémon that can not only knock over trees, but potentially crush its trainer with a single hug. How sweet!
5.) Araquanid- This Pokémon will protect weak vulnerable Pokémon with its water bubble. Except for when it sometimes sucks small Pokémon into its water bubble and drowns them. Oops.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Although I'm a little late with this news, today's blog post will be about the Pokémon Go legendary event. After a long wait, legendary Pokémon have finally been added to Pokémon Go! But that doesn't mean it'll be easy to catch one. To be able to catch one, a player has to join a Legendary Raid with other players to be able to take one down. The current legendary Pokémon in the game are Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. But, this may change later. Even though only one Legendary Pokémon is available in each area, the Pokémon available in each area will shift with one of the other available legendary Pokémon at the end of the month. So if you want to try to catch one of these special legendary Pokémon, now's the time to do it!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be listing four original English songs, and one Japanese song, by the Vocaloid Kaito. However, I don't know who the songs are by, so I can't list the artist. Instead, I will be including the links for each song so you can check it out yourself. Now then, on with the list!

1.) A Letter To X

2.) Gravity (This one is the Japanese song)

3.) Rainy Baby

4.) Control

5.) My Baby

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The time has come for me to officially start my Anime According To WikiHow series! Yay! To start this series off, I will be talking about the page called "How To Avoid Being A Weeaboo". To summarize what the page is about (since I read the whole page for this post), it basically says that to avoid becoming a weeaboo, you shouldn't speak broken Japanese, prioritize Japanese products, or dress up as an Anime character for your actual everyday clothes. I actually agree with all three of these points, since it would be weird to dress like an Anime character all the time and buy something just because it's Japanese. It would also be weird to randomly say Japanese words like "desu" or "sugoi" when you're not having a conversation in Japanese. However, the page also mentions that you should learn the Japanese language and culture to avoid being a weeaboo as well. Although I think this would be a good idea if you were already interested in learning the language and learning about the culture, it wouldn't be a good idea to learn about it just to prove that you're not a weeaboo. I would also like to point out that it's fine to just like Anime, manga, and Vocaloids without being a weeaboo. If you want to check the WikiHow page out for yourself, here's the link for it:

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

I have an announcement! Starting today, I will be starting a series called "Anime According To WikiHow". There won't be a specific day for this series, but I will be doing one of these every once in a while. For this series, I will be picking an Anime, manga, or Vocaloid related topic from WikiHow and giving my opinions on it. I will also leave a link to the WikiHow page I used as a reference for each post in this series. To keep today's post short, it will only be for this announcement. However, I will start this series tomorrow. So stay tuned to find out which WikiHow page will be the center of tomorrow's post!

Monday, October 23, 2017

What is a senpai? Well, you may have heard the term senpai used in Anime and manga a number of times. But honestly, it doesn't mean what people usually thinks it means. A senpai is someone who is older than you, or someone who is an upperclassmen. In the slice of life classroom Anime, it's usually someone who is in a higher grade level than the main character. Much like how Mitsukuni (from Ouran Highschool Host Club) was called Honey Senpai. This is because his nickname was Honey, and he was one of the oldest members in the host club. So when the term senpai is used in Anime or manga, the character is simply using a respectful term to refer to someone older than themself or someone of a higher class than themself.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

I have recently been watching quite a bit of a show called Steven Universe. Although it's not an Anime, I would still highly recommend it. Trust me, it's a good show! So for today's post, I will be listing some Anime references in Steven Universe. Since there are way too many for me to list here, I will only list three. So, on to the listing part!

1.) The episode titled "Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service" is a reference to the Studio Ghibli film called "Kiki's Delivery Service".

2.) In the picture below, there is a Sailor Moon manga on Steven's nightstand in his room.

3.) This next picture is from the episode Bismuth, where they used this eye-catcher card with chibi versions of the gems. This is a  reference to shows like Fairy Tail that also uses an eye-catcher when coming back from a commercial.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Since I did a blog post about Rinto Kagamine the other day, today's blog post will be about Lenka Kagamine. Lenka Kagamine is the fan-made genderswap of the official Vocaloid Len Kagamine. Despite her popularity, she has not yet been officially recognized by Crypton Future Media. Although Lenka's age is 14, she is sometimes portrayed as Rinto's twin or sibling. She is also sometimes depicted as being Rin or Len's sister. She doesn't seem to have a popularized or set personality, either. If you want to hear a song sung by Lenka, here is a link for one:

Friday, October 20, 2017

Should the Anime The Devil Is A Part Timer have a second season? Well, that's what I'll be talking about on today's post. As you may know, The Devil Is A Part Timer is a popular Anime from 2013 that was based on the manga of the same name. However, there was only one season made for it, despite there being a whole series for the manga. Many fans were disappointed by this, as well. Although a second season for the show has been discussed, there's no guarantee that this will happen. I personally love this show, and I don't think 13 episodes were nearly enough for the series. Especially since the last few episodes ended on a cliff-hanger. However, I would still recommend it either way, since it's still a really good show!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The blog post for today will be about the Vocaloid Rinto Kagamine. Rinto is a fan-made genderswap of the official Vocaloid Rin Kagamine. Despite Rinto's continuous popularity, he still hasn't been officially recognized by Crypton Future Media. Although he doesn't have a set personality, he is often portrayed as either laid back or childish and hyper. He is also 17 years old. However, he can sometimes be mistaken as an older version of Rin. He is often portrayed as Lenka Kagamine's brother as well. If you want to hear a song sung by Rinto, here is a link for one:

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Today's blog post will be about the show Hi Hi puffy AmiYumi. Although Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi wasn't an Anime, it was Anime influenced. The show was a Japanese-American show that started in 2004 and aired on Cartoon Network. It was based on the popular J-Pop band called Puffy AmiYumi. Ami and Yumi also did live-action intro sequences for the beginning of the show. Although Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi was in English, they did incorporate Japanese words into their speech. Some of the writing in the show was also in Japanese, and Puffy AmiYumi songs were often played in the background as well. As an added bonus, I have also included a picture of the animated versions of Ami and Yumi down below. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Pocky. Although Pocky isn't technically Anime related, it does show up quite a bit in Anime. It is also very popular within the Anime community. Now then, on with the post! Pocky is a fairly common and popular Japanese snack food. It is a chocolate covered biscuit stick, and it is made by Ezaki Glico. Although chocolate is the most common flavor, it also comes in a wide variety of different flavors including strawberry and matcha green tea, to name a couple. I have personally tried Pocky myself and I love this stuff. So why not check it out yourself next time you have the chance? You won't regret it! Unless you don't like it, that is.

Monday, October 16, 2017

For today's blog post, I will be talking about three important parts of the Mystic Messenger app; the chat room, the calls, and the messages. Here we go!

The chat room - The chat room is the main part of the game. It is where you get to talk and interact with the characters. The chat rooms happen in real time, and it stays open until the next chat room opens. If you miss one, you can skip the chat room by reading it without being able to participate. You could also buy the missed chat room for 5 hourglasses. If you buy the chat, you will be able to participate in it.

The Messages - Although the messages aren't as important, they are still a key part of the game. After a chat, one or more of the characters might send you a private message. You can then respond to the message, and sometimes you can get a heart if you pick the right answer.

The Calls - Sometimes after a chat, one of the characters will call you. If you miss the call, it will cost 5 hourglasses to call them back. If you don't want to wait for them to call you, you can also spend 5 hourglasses to call them. However, they may not always pick up, so use your hourglasses wisely!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Although I have been trying to avoid this subject, the joke has gotten too big to ignore. So for today's post, I will be talking about Cory In The House. But wait, why would I talk about this? Cory In The House is the live action spin-off of That's So Raven by Disney! It's not even animated! Well, that's because people have been calling Cory In The House an Anime. Although I'm not entirely sure why this is, it's still a very popular meme all the same. A lot of people make fun of it and joke about it being an Anime. They even make Anime openings for it! If you look it up on Google, there are also a lot of results about it being the 'best Anime ever". There are many other YouTube videos and posts like this, as well. I personally don't care for this particular meme, but I don't care if people want to have fun with it all the same. Just a little tip though: don't take the joke too far. Just have fun with it!